There are already 83 users and 4,610 genealogy profiles with the Lathrop surname on Geni. Explore Lathrop genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Abigail Doane was born about 1631 and died in Norwich, Connecticut on January 23, 1734/5. Her burial place is unknown. She married Samuel Lothrop as his 2nd wife in the early 1690s, but had no children...
Samuel Baker m. 2) after Oct. 1703, the widow Abigail Huntington, dau. of Samuel Lothrop & Elizabeth Scudder, b. May 11, 1665 at New London, Conn. She d. after April 1715. There were no children of thi...
Abigail Edwards*Gender: Female* Birth: 1671 Hartford, Hartford County, Connecticut Colony* Death: January 23, 1754 (83) Windsor, Hartford County, Connecticut Colony* Daughter of Richard Edwards and Eli...
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