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Lowell Genealogy and Lowell Family History Information

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  • Abbott Lawrence Lowell (1856 - 1943)
    Abbott Lawrence Lowell President of Harvard University,1909-1933 Lowell graduated from Noble and Greenough School in 1873 and went on to attend Harvard College. He graduated in 1877 with h...
  • Amy Lawrence Lowell (1874 - 1925)
    Amy Lawrence Lowell Lowell was an American poet of the imagist school from Brookline, Massachusetts who posthumously won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1926. Lowell was born into Brookline...
  • Ann Pierce (1600 - 1690)
    Ann (Lowell) [Milward] Peirce ==* From Scott C. Steward and Christopher C. Child, The Descendants of Judge John Lowell of Newburyport, Massachusetts (Boston 2011) p 6: "Children of Percival1 and Rebecc...
  • Ann M Dunham (1830 - 1870)
    Residence : 1870 - Maine, USA* Race : White* Updated from MyHeritage Match by SmartCopy : Oct 6 2014, 21:33:13 UTC
  • Maria Lowell (White) (1821 - 1853)
    Maria White Lowell was an American poet and abolitionist.Maria was born in Watertown, Massachusetts to a middle-class intellectual family. She was raised under a strict ascetic discipline at an Ursulin...

About the Lowell surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Lowell surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Lowell surname.

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