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  • Achsa Sagis (deceased)
    קורות חייו של האר"י הקדושלפי מסורות שמסרו תלמידיו, עד גיל 36 חי בבית דודו רבי מרדכי פרנסיס שהיה ממונה על המכס במצרים והיה סמוך על שולחנו, שם הגה בספר הזוהר, עד שנגלה אליו אליהו הנביא והורה לו לעלות לאר...
  • Rabbi Aharon ben Nethanel Luria, [the 1st Luria] ABD Heilbronn (c.1413 - 1478)
    Over 3,000 Years of Humans Exaggerating Their Lineage on Family Trees ............ The Lurie family tree, on the other hand, is generally considered the oldest, or tallest, family tree in existence. Al...
  • Alexander Luria (1902 - 1977)
    One of the founders of neuropsychology Alexander Romanovich Luria (Russian: Алекса́ндр Рома́нович Лу́рия; 16 July 1902 – 14 August 1977) was a Soviet neuropsychologist, often credited as a father o...
  • Aminadav Luria (c.1548 - 1605)
  • Anna Akhmatova (1889 - 1966)
    Akhmatova's father did not want to see any verses printed under his "respectable" name, so she chose to adopt her grandmother's distinctly Tatar surname 'Akhmatova' as a pen name ... [ No one in my ...

About the Luria surname

Lurie is a Jewish surname. Neil Rosenstein's "The Lurie Legacy: The House of Davidic Royal Descent" traces the genealogy of the Lurie/Luria surname.

The name is sometimes transliterated from/to other languages as Lurye, Luriye (from Russian), Lourié (in French).

Other variants include: Luria, Luri, Laurie, Lourie, Laurier

"Among families which claim descent from biblical King David, problaby the one with most authenticity is that of the Lurie family. Also the most prominent of all Ashkenazic Jewish rabbinical families, Lurie probably traces its origins to 13th- or 14th-century France. Although opinions differ as to the exact origin of the name, it is more likely that it is traceable to the town of Loire, on the Rhone River."

                            -  The Lurie Legacy, Dr. Neil Rosenstein, page xxi.