Luxemburg in the territory of menápi tribe may have been founded and named of Abu'l-Kasem that is to say Ap-Bur-Luk'sem son of Argabed-Leh son of Mudtaleb son of Hashem son of Menáp from the royal family of Arabia and Nabataia.
He was as emir of Koreish tribe of Mudar also called Muhammed and therefore seemingly - while bringing his message to people in the darkness of the ages there - in Europe by a germanized name Sigmond that is originally Sheikh-Muamm'd.
See Neufeld,Kostbar,Kozáry,Magyar,Böszörményi,Zoltán,Ashkenazi,Vistay,Wilner,Itzkovits,Tevan,Horpatzky,Dózsa,Gubicza,Csaba,Tamudo,Blinker,Alexander,Tamudo,Csaba,Kamil,Arsch,Czafik,Burgund,Dobó,Kun and others !
Balázs Déri