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  • Anders Magnusson (1751 - d.)
  • Audhild Magnusson (deceased)
    Audhild Torleivsdatter tilhørte en mektig familie i Katanes (Caithness) og var søskenbarn av orknøyjarlene Harald Slettmåle og PålNorske: Audhild Torleivsdatter, datter av Torleiv Maddadsdatter
  • Bengt Magnusson, Folkungaätten (1194 - 1237)
    att förväxla med Bengt Magnusson av folkungaättens lagmansgren! =Bengt Magnusson (Folkungaätten), död 1237, son till Magnus Minnisköld och Ingrid Ylva . Biskop i Linköping mellan 1220 och 1236. Han inv...
  • Bengt Magnusson (deceased)
  • Jarl Birger Magnusson (Folkungaätten) (c.1210 - 1266)
    Archaeological examination of the alleged tomb showed YDNA Haplo group I1 (I-M253) and MtDNA Haplo group H. Source: jarl , död 1266, statsman, enligt traditionen av Folkungaätten, Sveriges styresman 12...

About the Magnusson surname

Our Icelandic grandfather, Einar Jon Magnusson was born Einar Jonsson as the custom is to accept your father's first name plus son or dottir as your surname.

When my grandfather came to Canada if was to work as a fisherman on Lake Winnipeg with his uncle Magnus Magnusson.

Prior to his marriage in 1916, our grandfather changed his surname to Einar Jon Magnusson to honour his Uncle who had provided him with a home with their family, and work with the company.