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Mangel Genealogy and Mangel Family History Information

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  • Fanny Fuchs (1903 - c.1943)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs: Fuchs, Fanny geb. Mangel geboren am 25. Mai 1903 in Sosnowiec (dt. Sosnowitz)/Piotrkow/Russland wohnhaft in Karlsruhe / Karlsruhe EMIGRATION 0...
  • Hamilkar Leopold Johann Mengel / Mängel (1912 - 1987)
    sünd: MÄNGEL: Tartu-Maarja linnakoguduse ja Pauluse koguduse ...; EAA.5357.1.56; 1885-1934 pere EELK Tartu Pauluse koguduses Miralda Kippasto abiellus 1978. a ajakirjanik Hamilkar Mengeliga, kes sõ...
  • Jaan Mängle ← Mängel (1882 - 1955)
    Sünd vkj 24 aprill MÄNGEL Tarvastu kogudus Personaalraamat XI A-B, L-O, Õ; EAA.1288.1.294; 1875-1939 Vändra Personaalraamat A-V. XVII (Uue-Vändra); EAA.1284.1.573; 1897-1934 Pärnumaa Vändra vald;...
  • Margel Marceau (Mangel) (1923 - 2007)
    Marcel Marceau (22 March 1923 – 22 September 2007) was an internationally acclaimed French actor and mime most famous for his persona as Bip the Clown. He performed all over the world in order to sprea...
  • Mangel (deceased)

About the Mangel surname

I) Mangel Branches from Chelmiec, Sacz, Poland, and the vicinity areas.

  1. Elias Mangel, B. 1801 - Eliyahu (Eliasz) Mangel (Known daughter Tzina (Mangel) Hollander based off of her marriage and death records, also the birth of her child Bluma Hollander mentions her parents Elias and Blume Mangel)
  2. Elias Mangel b.1818 d.1891 - Elias Mangel - (Can't be same as previous one since on Blima Mangel 's death record in 1881 said she was a widower, so her husband Elias Mangel had to have died way before 1881)
  3. Isaac Mangel c. 1820 - Isaac Mangel
  4. Salomon Mangel c. 1825 - Salamon Mangel
  5. Wolf Hirsch c.1817 - Wolf Hirsch Mangel
  6. Wolf Mangel c.1825 - Wolf Mangel
  7. Leiser Psaje Mangel c. 1829 - Leiser Psaje Mangel
  8. Abraham Mangel b. 1837 - Abraham Mangel
  9. Moses Mangel c. 1837 - Moses (Moritz Mor) Mangel
  10. Eidel (Mangel) Gehler c.1840 - Eidel Gehler
  11. Zine (Mangel) Bober c. 1843- Zine Bober
  12. Simy (Mangel) Kornhauser c.1850 Wojnicz - Simy Kornhauser
  13. Salke Mangel 1850's? Salke Mangel
  14. Leib Mangel, c. 1852 - Leib Mangel
  15. Baruch Mangel 1853 - Baruch Mangel
  16. Josef Mangel c. 1853 Labowa - Josef Mangel
  17. Eliasz Mangel 1855 Elias Mangel
  18. Leib Mangel c.1855 - Leib Mangel
  19. Wolf Hersch Mangel c. 1857 - Wolf Hersch Mangel
  20. Baruch Wigdor c. 1870 - Baruch Wigdor Mangel
  21. Elias Mangel b.1881 Nowy Sacz. Lived in Szepi, Hungary - Elias Eliyahu Mangel

II) Mangel Branches from Tarnow and the vicinity areas.

  1. Menke Mangel c.1800 - Menka Mangel
  2. Eliasz Mangel - Eliasz Mangel (Married to Bimy Sara, father of Jakob Mangel b. 1831 , and Golda Blumner b. 1838)
  3. Simcha Mangel c.1820 - Simche Mangel
  4. Jacob Mangel - c. 1823 Jacob Mangel
  5. Golda (Mangel) Blumner c.1838 Wojnicz - Golda Blümner (Daughter of Eliasz and Blimy Sara Mangel and brother of Jakob Mangel d. 1927 in Janowice)
  6. Izak Mangel c. 1840 - Izak Mangel
  7. Hajer Mangel b.1844 d. 1929 Janowice - Hajer Mangel
  8. Jacob Mangel c.1850 - Jacob Mangel
  9. Menke Mangel c.1850 Menke Mangel
  10. Ciny Mangel c.1880 Gorlice/Nowy Sacz - Ciny Mangel