There are already 97 users and 3,494 genealogy profiles with the Marcum surname on Geni. Explore Marcum genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Isaac & Jane (Scott) Chrisman had six (6) children:
4.1. Nimrod Chrisman[li] , b. 15 Oct 1776, Rye Cove Fort, Scott Co., VA[lii]; d. 1866[liii], Pennington Gap, Lee Co., VA[liv]; m. 1796[lv] to Amelia...
Beverly was the son of Thomas Marcum and Jane Clay. On October 8, 1792 he married Elizabeth Ward in Rocky Mount, Franklin Co., VA. They had thirteen children: Peter, Mary, Sarah, William, Josiah, Danie...
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