There are already 86 users and 4,632 genealogy profiles with the Marston surname on Geni. Explore Marston genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Abial Marston was the daughter of Thomas Marston, and his wife, Deborah, per the New Hampshire Births and Christening Index, born in Hampton, 23 Mar 1717, even though this transcript of the hea...
Infant daughter of Isaac Marston & Elizabeth {Brown} Marston; Dates of Birth & Death are per the New Hampshire Birth & Death Indexes. Burial cemetery is assumed per burial records of the Marston family...
Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy : Nov 17 2017, 19:15:38 UTC === GEDCOM Source ===Public Member Trees Operations, Inc. Family trees submitted by Ancestry members. Anc...
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