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  • 1st wife of Joseph Massey (1690 - c.1730)
    Joseph Massey, son of Richard Massey, born about 1689, died : BET. 19 AUG 1760 - 26 MAY 1761, Brunswick Co., VA. Will dated 19 Aug 1760, Will Proved 26 May 1761. He married twice: 1) about 1710 to an u...
  • Adrianne Massey Whitney (1907 - 1993)
    Adrianne Massey Whitney (Allen) Find A Grave Memorial ID # 42958146 Adrianne Allen Wikipedia Profile Adrianne Allen was married to Raymond Massey from 1929 to 1939. The Masseys were great frien...
  • Adrienne Corri (1930 - 2016)
    Scottish-born actress of Italian parentage. Adrienne Corri is likely to be remembered for one of her smaller parts, that of Mrs. Alexander, the wife of the writer Frank Alexander, in the 1971 Stanley K...
  • Agatha de Theray (1125 - aft.1215)
    AGATHEA DE THERAY was born 1125 in Cheshire, England6, and died 1216 in Dunham Massey, Bucklow, Cheshire, England. She married HAMON DE MASSEY on Abt. 1140 in England, son of HAMMON DE MASSEY and ELEAN...
  • Agnes “Ann” Massey (b. - 1443)
    The line in question was that which ran from Hugh who married Anne/Agnes Bold, daughter of Sir Nicholas Bold, through his son Nicholas, his son Thomas, and then the Hugh of Ulster.===Family . Hugh De C...

About the Massey surname

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