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Meisels Genealogy and Meisels Family History Information

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  • Rabbi Avraham Meisels, [of Cracow] (1530 - 1599)
    Hecht quoted: His wife's name is Shprintza (שפרינצה), daughter of Shmuel. (לתולדות ישראל וחכמיו בפולין vol. 6 pg. 216 fn. 3) This info conflicts with her father's name on the tree and needs to be eithe...
  • R' DovBerish Meisels, A.B.D. Cracow and Warsaw (1798 - 1870)
    Rabbi Dov Berush Meisels was a Chief Rabbi of Kraków (Cracow) from 1832 and later, Chief Rabbi of Warsaw (from 1856). He was a political activist in the Austrian partition of Poland and (later) in the ...
  • Rabbi Dovid Dov Meisels, ABD Uhel (1875 - 1944)
    Av Bet Din of Ujhel, author of the books Binyan David (Binyan Dovid Hagadah shel Pesach) (Responsa of Binyan David Vol 1) (Binyan Dovid on Pesachim) (Toras Binyan Dovid al haTorah) Translation...
  • Dreizel (Therese) Bunim-Meisels (c.1551 - 1601)
    Rabbi Simcha & Dreizel Meisels Meisels Family Genealogy Wife of Rabbi Simcha Bunim Meiseles (d.9 Adar 1624), died 2 Tevet 5362 = 26/12/1601 -
  • Rabbi Isaac Wolf Bunim-Meisels, of Vilna (1579 - 1604)
    Isaac Reb Bonems of Vilna-Hamburg Rabbi in Pinsk (56 vi.96)Rabbi, Vorsteher der Gemeinde Pinsk

About the Meisels surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Meisels surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Meisels surname.

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