There are already 566 users and over 31,516 genealogy profiles with the Neumann surname on Geni. Explore Neumann genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Adam Neumann (Hebrew: אדם נוימן; born 1979) is an Israeli-American billionaire businessman. In 2010, he co-founded WeWork, along with Miguel McKelvey.
Vikipedija: Adolfas Neimanas - Lietuvos evangelikų reformatų kunigas, vertėjas.
Kunigas Adolfas Neimanas
Kun. Adolfas Neimanas (1845.XI.28 Bielske, Gardino gub. - 1921.VIII.24 Semipaltinske, Sibire)...
Stolperstein family biography:
Bundesarchiv Gedenkbuch:
Neumann, Adolf Richard Adolph
born on the 09th October 1924
in Hamburg/Hansestadt Hamburg
residing in Hamburg
seit 00.0...
Adonis-Prosper Neemre (aastani 1936 Adonis-Prosper Neumann ; 04. detsember 1910 Nõmme - pärast 27. oktoober 1941 Irkutsk) oli eesti vaimulik.
Küüditatud juunis & juulis 1941.:
NEEMRE, Adonis ...
Some of the families called Neumann may descend from A-Ha-Wa-Man-Ne son of A-Zhe-Reg-Ha who also released manahune nation living in some parts of Polynesia ,in Hawa-i too : Ne-Awa-Man
Jews and christians read Heyman and Zerakh.
See Newman !
Balázs Déri
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