It is an African (Luo) surname. The origin of the name is based on the Luo verb that means “to be bent” or “to be twisted.”[1] It is not an uncommon Luo surname. The name comes from Swahili and refers to members of the Luo tribe who converted to Islam.
Obama (小浜) is also a Japanese surname literally meaning "little beach"[4]. The Obama clan (小浜氏) were a samurai clan of feudal Japan.
Balázs Déri :
Obama kin of Luwo nation ,and perhaps others too ,may have ancestry related to Obama-Kin ,
king of Ife among the Yoruba of Nigeria ,who was the son of O-Ramfe .
The latter may be identical with Merfyn ,prince of Gwynned ,who deceased in about 166 BC ,
which is 999 of the Northern aera of begin in 1065 BC ,grandson of Rhódry Mawr ,
himself identical with Hannibal ,chief of Puns in Africa ,who might have inherited his name from an
earlier Hannibal ,adressed from Rhodos ,who might have been his maternal grandfather .
So Rhod-Rik would mean King of Rhodos and refer to Hannibal .
In the Hungarian chronicles he appears to be called Nimrod ,that is Nin-Man-Rhod ,because Rhodry
was born ,as stated ,in the isle of Man ,and as women called Hanna are often nicknamed Nina ,
so could Hanni-Bal be done so Nin ,its male version .
Nimrod was the father of Magor ,wwho may be identical with Merfyn ,because MAG-ORR means
Seed-Nose in Hungarian ,which approximately corresponds to MERUN-FÜNH ,which in the Araucanian
langauge of the family says Mucus-Seed .
MERUN here may be the same word as Welsh MER for marrow .
Merfyn may also refer to the Merya-Finn people around the city of Moscow ,while spelled Marwin ,
a corrupt form of Mor(d)win ,to the neighboured Mordvin one .
Mathathias of Iudaia ,who deceased in about 166 BC ,as it is said ,was from a place called Modain ,
which might in fact have been Mo(r)dawin ,so,being a Mordvin in this sense , he appears to be
identical with Merfyn .
His grandfather is called Hyrkan ,as well as Iohannés ,in the scarce sources for Iudaian history ,
which is the local variation for Hanni-Bal ,by substituting the name BaCal with that of Io ,
the Maori name of God : Io-Hann .
The Mordvin country ,Mor-Dva ,the name of which means in Slavic Two Mors ,might have been named
after the ancient Mor-Mor ,from the early dynasty of Galla kings founded by Wado ,who may be identical
with DYWD ,king of Hierosalém ,the capital of the Holy Land of America between about 1116 and 1083 BC ,
at the sources of the river Gewag-Ha-Yanna ,which is the Orinoco flowing around the land of Guayana ,
named for it .
Therefore Mathathias from Modain the Mar(d)win ,might have been called Modu ,that is Mo(r)-Du ,
or Maodun at the Hiungnu people North to China ,and Mo(r)-Mo(r) in Tonga ,where he founded the modern
royal dynasty of the island .
This should thus have happened before 1221 of the currently used global aera of begin in 1387 BC ,
that is 166 BC ,when Merfyn died .
Mathathias and his ancestry were reported to be from the clergy ,from the tribe of a Ioiarib ,
who may be identified with WHYWRWB in the Byble .
This Awa-Ha-Yawar-Rawa-Ba may be the forefather of Yoruba priests ,and the people may partially be
named after him Yawar-Rawa-Awa-Ba-Ha .
The langauge of the Yoruba ,being a tonal one ,may have its roots in or near China .
The people may be related to the Bayor of Europe too ,who are thought of as being partially Avar and thus
Hun origin ,and thus may be the successors of some tribes of the Hiungnu alliance ,the people of Mo(r)-Du
alias Ma(g)o(r)-Dun(a),the Merfyn of Danube .
Although it is excluded ,that Hannibal would have been a priest ,as he was descended from Alexander of
Makedonia ,himself descended from DYWD and ShLMH ,the statement that Mathathias was a Yoruba may
have the gist of truth in that sense ,that he was a chief of the Yoruba ,probably yet in Asia .
He was ,as it is known ,the father of Iudas Makkabaios ,who appears to be called Jiyu ,as well as Lao-Shang
at the Hiungnu ,and Tu'i Taatui in Tonga .
The title of the paramount chiefs of the Hiungnu was Shanyu,which on one hand refers to Alexander ,
nicknamed Shanyoo by Hungarians ,they were descended from ,and thus corresponds to the
American title Katsika ,that comes from the Greek word for a Goat ,he was the first human incarnation
of the spirit of ,and on the other ,interpreted as Shan-Yu(d) ,to the Mountain Jew people they were chiefs of ,
and who are called Taat in Daghestan ,the "Mountain Country ".
Another,less prominent title of warlords among the Hiungnu was Tuqi ,which corresponds to Tu'i in Tonga ,
and to the Araucanian Toqui / Toki ,which is also the name of a kind of axe .
So Tuqi Jiyu at the Hiungnu is the same person as Tu'i Taatui in Tonga ,the Axe-bearer Taat or Mountain Jew ,
and as Iudas Makkabaios ,because the latter word is generally translated with Hammer which is practically
the same as an Axe .
Makkabaios ( Makka-Bawi ) might have given name to the town ,now capital of Mali ,called for him Bamako
( Ba-Makka-Wa ) ,and so he might well be identical with O-Bamakin ,the Bamako Chief ,or Toki ,
whose name in Luwo environment could have been reinterpreted as Obama-Kin ,the Chinese Obama .
He might have been the ancestor of some later rulers of Ife ,as were O-Luwo ,and his successor Luwo Gbagida ,
believed to be descended from O-Taataa ,who might have been a Taatoo-Ga chief ,mother of Adekola Telu ,
ruler of Iwo .
Both of them might have thus been kings of the Luwo ,whether at the Nile ,or in Central Africa ,in Sudan ,
or even yet in Nigeria .
Adekola ,who occupied the town of Iwo ,according to oral tradition ,might also have ruled at the Nile at the
Lango or Iwo tribe in Uganda ,who are considered Luwo too .
These Iwo may be of Athénian origin ,as was the ancient Leós ( Lewo ) ,after whom the L'wo may be named ,
and might have been ,like many of the Athénians ,members of the Ión ( Iwo-Oon ) alliance .
So if the Luwo chiefs ,included those of the Iwo ,were descended from Obamakin ,son of Oramfe ,
then the Obama kin might have been established in Kenya ,Tanzania and Uganda among the Luwo as a
result of the conquests of the Yoruba kings in that region .
Hannibal-Hyrkan though was well known also in Abyssinia ,in Ifat and in Shewa ,mainly as Hussein in
Arab speaking countries and Lali-Bala in Axum itself .as well as Loo-Haan in Somalia ,and Lu'aiy in Arabia ,
with the rest of his progeny well known .
See Luo,Ife,Ifjú,Tenerife,Taifi,Mogyoródi,Mogyoródy,Magor,Hun,Goldhammer,Mahón,Humayer,Dinka,Gyenge,
Guanche,Csángó,Magyar and others !