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  • Else Anne Mari Sekne (1916 - 1998)
    Dåp SAT, Grytten sokneprestkontor, Ministerialbok nr. 544A06, 1887-1924, s. 75 Brukslenke for sidevisning: Konfirmasjonen SAT, Grytten sokneprestkontor, Ministerialbok nr. 544A11, 1924-1954, s. 142...
  • Ernst Ugulen (1914 - 1970)
    Dåp SAB, Jostedal Sokneprestembete, Klokkerbok nr. B 1, 1882-1921, s. 58 Brukslenke for sidevisning: SAB, Jostedal Sokneprestembete, Klokkerbok nr. D 2, 1910-1941, s. 74 Brukslenke for sidevisning: åle...
  • Finnguala mac Lochlainn (c.1150 - c.1190)
    Irish Princess Finola, fader Kung Muincherlock Mac Lochlainn, farfar Kung AV Irland Niall O Lochlainn, farfarsfar Kung AV Irland Domhnall O Lochlainn. (Fra Skanke-släktens historia, GVC Young, Stamtavl...
  • Friðrik Ólafsson
    Friðrik Ólafsson (born 26 January 1935) is an Icelandic chess grandmaster. He was president of FIDE from 1978 to 1982. He is a six-time Icelandic Chess Champion and a two-time Nordic Chess Champion.
  • Godred / Guðfriðr Óláfsson (c.1223 - 1238)
    Extract: There is evidence to suggest that Óláfr might have had a fourth son named Guðrøðr.[49 For example, the chronicle relates how the governor of Mann, described as a kinsman of Haraldr, fled from ...

About the Olafsson surname

Olafsson is a Scandinavian patronymic meaning "son of Olaf".