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Ormsson Genealogy and Ormsson Family History Information

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  • Elin Simonsdotter (c.1400 - c.1470)
    Elin Simonsdotter born about 1400 in Kyrkefjäll, Klövedal (O), dead about 1470 in Kållekärr, Stenkyrka (O). Children: Björn N, born about 1440, dead about 1500 Eskilssons hustru Elin Ormsdotter var enl...
  • Erling Ormsen "Skakke/ The Sharp" of Studla (1115 - 1179)
    Erling Ormsson Skakke Son of Orm Kyrpinga-Orm Sveinsson and Ragnhild Sveinkesdatter Erling Skakke (1115 – 18 June 1179) was a Norwegian Jarl during the 12th century. He was the father of Magnus V, ...
  • Gudrid Fartegnsdotter Semeleng (1430 - 1490)
    Gudrid Fartengsdatter Semeleng .NB: Hun har feilaktig blitt forbundet med Losna-ætten, men dette stemmer ikke, se: H Vigerust, Oslo øst, 27.11.2009 15:55 (2): "Jeg har ikke materialet frem for meg i øy...
  • Princess Kristin Sigurdsdatter, of Norway (c.1124 - c.1178)
    Prinsesse av Norge Kristin Sigurdsdatter=* Daughter of Sigurd I Magnusson "the Crusader" Jorsalfare, King of Norway and Malmfrid Mstislawna Kijewskaja, Princess of Kiev * Mistress: of SIGURD Haraldsson...
  • Orm Ormsson (c.1390 - d.)
    Jag har inte kunnat hitta några uppgifter om när Herr Orm är född, år 1410 är den uppskattning som stod i den gamla profilen, men Orm kan mycket väl vara född så tidigt som 1390, utan källmaterial låte...

About the Ormsson surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Ormsson surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Ormsson surname.

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