There are already 613 users and over 17,015 genealogy profiles with the Patrick surname on Geni. Explore Patrick genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
John Patrick, 4th son of John Patrick (d 1638), married Agnes Dockson. Children were James & Robert. Note: The Birth Dates of many people in this Patrick Line are incorrect, dates made up to fit a narr...
James Patrick (son of John) living in 1638, married Agnes Finley b in Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland Children (6 sons, took the name Kilpatrick)*Thomas Kilpatrick: bn Edinburgh, Midlothian, Scotland D...
Alexander Maxton Patrick married Sarah Jane Crickmore (1857-1937) in New Zealand on 5 September 1878. Alexander was pruning some trees at Hilton, when the top of a tree broken during a gale the previou...
Born Botetourt County , Virginia. And in 1821 was the first Postmaster in the first postoffice in Perry Co. Ky., located at Patricks Salt Works. 1833 he Owned a grist mill and sawmill on Troublesome Cr...
Note: The Birth Dates of many people in this Patrick Line are incorrect, dates made up to fit a narrative told by Dr. Lee Wellington Patrick, but dates that do not match with the source material. Burke...
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