Some Pauker families may descend from Paukei of Hawai'i ,son of Mapuleo son of Kaheka,descendant of Hanala-Aiku son of Palena living somewhen about 1100 b.c. or some centuries earlier or later .
The latter,Palena may be ancestor of Palenoa tribes in Amazonia too,including Taiwano and Herulia , who might have emigrated from Taiwan ,via Hawai'i , to Amazonia,and were represented in European Germania as well repectively .
Mapuleo's name may correspond to Greek name Olympos ( O-Le-U-Map ) and he may also be one of the ancestors of Mapu-Che people ,otherwise most immediate successors of the Incas ruling on the Holy Mountain , called Irihia or Hawaiki in Polynesia ,of the Holy Land .
One of the kings of Herul people in Eastern Europe was called Agrippa ,like some of the rulers of the Holy Land of America of the Idumaian dynasty of Antipas and Héródés ,the kings of Antipa Hiwaro ,appointers of the High Priest of Hiero-Solyma on Mount Roraima,until it stood ,so he might have somehow descended from them and might have led Herulia people from Amazonia to Europe at a time .
Hanala-Aiku may be remembered in Gothic legends of Easter Europe also as Hanala .
Paucar word often comes up in the Inca dynasty of the land as well,may be as a heritage from the earlier Paukei , or from another reason .Paukers may alsod descend from any of them .
See Vajkai,Vajkay,Vajka,Peckmann,Anjou,Plantagenet,Andijani,Belozersky,Skita,Tipter,Niedermann,Karpel,Arauco, Chango,Inca,Cifut,Toroczkay,Kipcak and more !
Balázs Déri