There are already 10 users and 749 genealogy profiles with the Paulet surname on Geni. Explore Paulet genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
IFamily Group Record FamilySearch™ Ancestral File v4.19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Husband's Name George PAULET (AFN:853C-DH) Pedigree Born: Abt 15...
notes relative of her husband
content to clean up Alice PAULET
Born: ABT 1456/1458, Hinton St. George, Somersetshire, England
Buried: AFT 1525, Basing, Hampshire, England
Father: Willi...
Amias Paulet Sir Amias Paulet (1532 – 26 September 1588) was an English diplomat, Governor of Jersey, and the gaoler for a period of Mary, Queen of Scots.
He was the son of Sir Hugh Paulet and Phili...
Sir Amyas Paulet
M, #72357, b. 1457
Father Sir William Paulett b. c 1405, d. 2 Oct 1488
Mother Elizabeth Denebaud b. bt 1414 - 1415, d. 17 Nov 1497
Sir Amyas Paulet was born in 1457 at of Hinto...
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