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Pilla Genealogy and Pilla Family History Information

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  • Anthony Michael Pilla (1932 - 2021)
    Anthony Michael Pilla (November 12, 1932 – September 21, 2021) was an American prelate of the Roman Catholic Church. He served as an auxiliary bishop of the Diocese of Cleveland in Ohio from 1979 to ...
  • Franca Pilla Ciampi
    Franca Pilla, vedova Ciampi (Reggio Emilia, 18 dicembre 1920[1][2]), è la vedova dell'ex presidente della Repubblica Italiana Carlo Azeglio Ciampi.
  • Leopoldo Pilla (1805 - 1848)
    Pilla (Venafro, 24 ottobre 1805 – Curtatone, 29 maggio 1848) è stato un geologo e politico italiano. È ricordato anche per il suo patriottismo in epoca risorgimentale.* Reference: FamilySearch Genealog...
  • Luiz Paulo de Pilla Vares (1940 - 2008)
    Bacharel em Direito e estudioso de política e filosofia, começou militando no Partido Comunista Brasileiro no início dos anos 60, mas logo aderiu às posições de Leon Trotsky e Rosa Luxemburgo, ingressa...
  • Lúcia Pilla (1960 - 2021)
    Brazilian, born in Porto Alegre and living in São Paulo. Since August 24, 2010, I was a Geni Curator. Curators are Geni's users that were chosen by the trust to take additional powers that can be usefu...

About the Pilla surname

The surname Pilla means "dirt or clay like". My Pilla's came from Fragneto L'Abate and grew olives. Many Italian surnames were given to a person pertaining to the area or region they came from. Olives must be grown in soil that is dirt or clay like.