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Pollard Genealogy and Pollard Family History Information

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  • Abigail Baldwin (1736 - 1844)
    Birth record Massachusetts, Town Clerk, Vital and Town Records, 1626-2001Name: Edward Pollard Event Type: Marriage Event Date: 21 Oct 1725 Event Place: Billerica, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United S...
  • Agnes Pollard (1468 - c.1526)
    Agnes Hext Last Edited 5 Sep 2005 F, #72327, b. circa 1494 Father Thomas Hext b. c 1439 Mother Joan Fortescue b. c 1441 ' Agnes Hext was born circa 1494 at of Kingston, Devonshire, England. S...
  • Alfred James Pollard (1861 - 1934)
  • Alice Hunt (1538 - 1566)
  • Ann Perkins (1680 - 1769)
    References Colonial Chesapeake Families British Origins and Descendants, Volume 1 By Harrison Dwight Cavanagh. Ann Hughes and Stephen Pollard of King & Queen County.

About the Pollard surname


nickname for a person with a large or unusually shaped head, from Middle English poll ‘head’ (Middle Low German polle ‘(top of the) head’) + the pejorative suffix -ard. The term pollard in the sense denoting an animal that has had its horns lopped is not recorded before the 16th century, and as applied to a tree the word is not recorded until the 17th century; so both these senses are almost certainly too late to have contributed to the surname. pejorative derivative of the personal name Paul. The surname has been established in Ireland since the 14th century.