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  • Catherine II "The Great" of Russia (1729 - 1796)
    Sophie Friederike Auguste princess of Anhalt-Zerbst By marriage Ekaterina Alexseivna Romanov Catherine II(Russian: Екатерина II Великая, Yekaterina II Velikaya), also known as Catherine the Great (...
  • Giuseppe Luci Poniatowski, principe di Monte Rotondo (1816 - 1873)
    Michal Poniatowski (born in Rome on July 24, 1814, died in London on July 4, 1873) was a Polish szlachcic, a composer and a singer. He was created the 1st Conte di Monte Rotondo on November 20, 1847, a...
  • css Isabella Dorothea von Flemming (1746 - 1835)
    z Flemingów Czartoryska urodziła się 3 marca 1746 r. i nie miała szczęśliwego dzieciństwa. Jej matka zmarła w połogu, przez dwa lata zajmowała się nią ciotka, która również zmarła. Ojciec, Jan Jerzy Fl...
  • Józef Karol Maurycy Poniatowski (1809 - 1855)
    Józef Poniatowski , także Karol Józef Maurycy Poniatowski, Józef Karol Ponitycki (1809-1855) – oficer francuski. Wikipedia PL Zamek królewski - blogi
  • Józef Antoni Poniatowski h. Ciołek (1763 - 1813)
    Prince Józef Antoni Poniatowski (1763–1813) was a Polish leader, general, minister of war and army chief, who became a Marshal of the French Empire. Wikipedia EN

About the Poniatowski surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Poniatowski surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Poniatowski surname.

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