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  • Amelie Posse-Brázdová (1884 - 1957)
    Amelie Posse-Brázdová (11 February 1884 in Stockholm – 3 March 1957) was a Swedish author. She is also known for her work against nazism during World War II. Amelie Posse was the daughter of Count F...
  • P.M. Arvid Posse (1820 - 1901)
    Adelsvapen * Wikipedia * Arvid R F Posse, Svenskt biografiskt lexikon (art av Sven Anders Söderpalm), hämtad 2018-02-10.* Svenskt PorträttArkiv Count Arvid Rutger Fredriksson Posse (February 15, 1820-A...
  • Dr. Hans Posse (1879 - 1942)
  • Laureano Sanz (1819 - 1898)
    Laureano Sanz was the Interim Governor-General of the Philippines, from 13 July to 21 September 1866; and the Governor-General of Puerto Rico from 1868 to 1870, and in 1875. For full biography, see the...
  • Knut Posse (c.1440 - 1500)
    Knut var son till Jöns Lage Posse och hans fru Märta Knutsdotter (Tre Rosor) och förmodat född i Nordhankær (Nordkärr) i Holm socken norr om Mellerud i Dalsland, vilket är äldsta kända sätesgård för...

About the Posse surname