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Ragnarsson Genealogy and Ragnarsson Family History Information

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  • Agnar Ragnarsson (c.820 - c.850)
    A mythical viking warrior, potentially based on a historical person, Agnar is described in the sagas and other earl medieval sources as one of the eldest sons of Ragnar Loðbrók.Agnar and his brother, E...
  • Björn Ironside (c.777 - 859)
    refer to other language tabs for Swedish / Danish / Norwegian örn Ironside was a legendary king of Sweden who lived sometime in the 9th century. He is said to have been the first ruler of the Munsö dyn...
  • Eric Ragnarsson (deceased)
    A mythical viking warrior, potentially based on a historical person, Eric is described in the sagas and other earl medieval sources as one of the eldest sons of Ragnar Loðbrók. Eric and his brother, A...
  • Husto Ragnarsson (deceased)
    Saga of Ragnars sons:After this battle, Ivar made himself king over that part of England which his forbears had owned before him. He had two brothers born out of wedlock, one called Yngvar, the other H...
  • Hvidserk Ragnarsson (c.830 - 882)
    .................................................................................................................................................. According to documents Halvdan made raids in the east ...

About the Ragnarsson surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Ragnarsson surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Ragnarsson surname.

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