There are already 575 users and over 21,188 genealogy profiles with the Ramsey surname on Geni. Explore Ramsey genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Ramsey (September 8, 1815 – April 22, 1903) was an American politician. He was born near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.Alexander Ramsey was elected from Pennsylvania as a Whig to the U.S. House of Represent...
Alf Anderson Ramsey BIRTH 7 Jun 1893 Steele, St. Clair County, Alabama, USA DEATH 9 Dec 1980 (aged 87) Gadsden, Etowah County, Alabama, USA BURIAL Rainbow Memorial Park Rainbow City, Etowah County, Al...
Huyler Ramsey (11 November 1886 – 10 September 1983) was the first woman to drive across the United States from coast to coast.BiographyRamsey was born Alice Taylor Huyler, the daughter of John Edwin H...
Scotsmen, originating from the Isle of Ramsey. A surname based on locality. The primary product on the Isle of Ramsey was garlic.
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