There are already 30 users and 974 genealogy profiles with the Rendell surname on Geni. Explore Rendell genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Rendell's Tauranga - Historic Tauranga From Above by Alf Rendell and Fiona Kean: Ninety-seven year old Alf Rendell has produced a stunning work in collaboration with his friend, respected Tauranga hist...
planetstitch... ; Lang was het een van de best bewaarde geheimen van Soestdijk. Cécile Dreesman, kind uit de beroemde warenhuisfamilie, koesterde meer gevoelens voor prins Bernhard dan voor haar 'harts...
Edward Gene Rendell served as the 45th Governor of Pennsylvania from 2003 to 2011, the General Chair of the Democratic National Committee from 1999 to 2001, and the Mayor of the City of Philadelphia fr...
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