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Riggs Genealogy and Riggs Family History Information

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  • Abigail Tracy (1726 - 1795)
    4 30 50. Jonathan and Abigail Tracy’s children: 1. Jeremiah, born August 9, 1744 2. Jonathan Jr. (3rd), born March 24, 1746 3. Lydia, born February 21, 1748 4. Solomon, Born March 4, 1750 5. Mary, Born...
  • Abigail Lowe (1702 - 1744)
  • Abigail Elwell (1691 - 1773)
    Updated from WikiTree Genealogy via son Thomas 'Thomus' Elwell by SmartCopy : Dec 15 2015, 21:14:52 UTC * Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy : Jan 23 2016, 21:14:54 UTC
  • Abigail Riggs (1703 - bef.1733)
    Abigail Coit BIRTH: 13 Jan 1703 - Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA DEATH: 30 Mar 1733 (aged 30) - Gloucester, Essex County, Massachusetts, USA BURIAL: First Parish Burial Ground Glouc...
  • Abigail Riggs (c.1697 - 1733)
    Abigail Tucker* Birth: July 15 1697 - Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts, United States* Parents: John Tucker, Sarah Riggs* Husband: Jabez Hunter* Husband: John Riggs* Children: William Hunter, John Hunt...

About the Riggs surname

Riggs surname: Rigges and Rigg are variants of the Old Norse Ridge from the word hyrggr. Formation and development as a surname is from the Middle English word rigge and the Old English word hrycg. The meaning is "someone who lived on or by a ridge." Norwegian: habitational name from any of fifteen farmsteads so named, from Old Norse hryggr meaning‘backbone’or ‘spine’, in allusion to a mountain ridge.

Variations: Rigg, Rigge, Rigges, Ridge

Norwegian variant- Rygg
