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Rockefeller Genealogy and Rockefeller Family History Information

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  • Abby 'Babs' Rockefeller (1903 - 1976)
    Wikipedia article-Abigail Rockefeller Mauzé She was called 'Babs' to distinguish her from her mother Abigail 'Abby' Rockefeller. ===three marriages===She married three times and had two children. #Her ...
  • Abigail "Abby" Greene Rockefeller (Aldrich) (1874 - 1948)
    Aldrich Rockefeller, (October 26, 1874 – April 5, 1948), was a prominent socialite and philanthropist and the second-generation matriarch of the renowned Rockefeller family. Referred to as the "woman i...
  • Abijah Rockefeller (1791 - d.)
  • Alida Messinger
    Alida Ferry Rockefeller (born 1948) is an American philanthropist. She is the youngest daughter of John Davison Rockefeller III (1906–1978) and Blanchette Ferry Hooker (1909–1992), and a fourth-generat...
  • Almira Geraldine Rockefeller (1844 - aft.1920)
    From FindAGrave : Almira Geraldine Goodsell was the daughter of David Judson Goodsell and Ellen O. (Bryant) Goodsell.Almira Geraldine Goodsell married William Rockefeller.Almira Geraldine (Goodsell) Ro...

About the Rockefeller surname

serious minded. Quest for power. Good entrepreneur.