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Rotolo Genealogy and Rotolo Family History Information

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  • Maria Levatino (c.1794 - 1874)
  • Mary Teresa Bowes (1910 - 1990)
    Mary Teresa Pezzati Rotolo Bowes (January 28, 1910 – September 27, 1990) was an American writer and political activist. Her daughters were Carla and Suze Rotolo. Suze Rotolo was one of Bob Dylan's ea...
  • Salvatore Rotolo (1881 - 1969)
    Rotolo (Scanno, 8 luglio 1881 – Roma, 20 ottobre 1969) è stato un vescovo cattolico italiano.
  • Stefania Rotolo (1951 - 1981)
    Stefania Rotolo (Roma, 23 febbraio 1951 – Roma, 31 luglio 1981) è stata una ballerina, showgirl, cantante e conduttrice televisiva italiana.
  • Susan Elizabeth Rotolo (1943 - 2011)
    Elizabeth Rotolo (November 20, 1943 – February 25, 2011) was an American artist, and the girlfriend of Bob Dylan from 1961 to 1964. Dylan later acknowledged her strong influence on his music and art du...

About the Rotolo surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Rotolo surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Rotolo surname.

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