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Rubin Genealogy and Rubin Family History Information

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  • Allen Rubin / Reuben, # 1867 Bartow Co GA voting (1820 - d.)
    1880 boards with Thomas Murphy family in Cartersville, works at meat market, age 60.
  • Andy Rubin
    Andrew E. Rubin (born March 13, 1963) is an American computer programmer, entrepreneur, and venture capitalist. Rubin founded Android Inc. in 2003, which was acquired by Google in 2005; Rubin served ...
  • Arthur Rubin (1905 - 1993)
  • Grand Rabbi Asher Yeshaya Rubin, 2nd Ropshitzer Rebbe (c.1777 - 1845)
    Author of Or Yesha, son-in-law of the Zera Kodesh Ropshitz is the name of a Hasidic dynasty, or rabbinical family and group who are descendants of Rabbi Naftali Zvi Horowitz of Ropshitz (1760-1827). Ro...
  • Barbara Ann Blaine (1956 - 2017)
    Barbara Blaine, who was sexually abused by a Roman Catholic priest as a teenager and went on to found the nation’s most potent advocacy group for abuse survivors, died on Sunday in St. George, Utah. Sh...

About the Rubin surname

I really do not know where the surname Rubin comes from. However, There is a Rubin in my community who is a Cohen. He claims that the name Rubin comes from the Ruby stone on the Choshen that was worn by the Cohen Gadol (High Priest), hence the origin of him being a Cohen.

As far as I know though, I am not a Cohen.

Rubin and Rabin could essentially be same name different pronunciation . Derived from the word Rabbi