The most reknown person of the name Rurik / Roderik was the founder of Kyev Rus , likely father of its first king Oleg . Roderik may be a title in his case expressing Ruten-Rik that is King of Rutenians , inhabitants of the Rus .
It is seen from this,that Roderik the Varyag is identical with Roderik the Visigoth, ruling there until 711 according to Persian aera beginning in 546 b.c. that corresponds to about 888 of the Old Roman calendar counted from 723 b.c.. Visigoths namely were called Terwingi that may go back to Ten-Ru-ing ,therefore are today's Rutenians in big number successors of Goths and Varegs of Rus : Rusins .
165 according to the linear counting ,when Roderik was killed,corresponds also to 1230 of the Norman aera beginning in 1065 b.c. and to 1514 of the New Roman one . So it is seen from this,that Oleg,successor Rurik's who died around 922 (199) is identical with Holegu,son of Dului and grandson of Chinggis, deceasing in 1265 (200 ),chief of Tatars , who fought on Ucrainian territories too .
Roderik's grandfather might be Rekkesvind who might yet have ruled among Casavindo tribe of the Andes , that is he was Reg-Kasavind . The last Visigoth king is also known as Trango-Lonco ,that is Chief of Changos - at least culturally related to many Rutens - ,whereas Lonco may be a word of Atacama connections similar to Luncu in the latters' dialect .
Roman Yuryevich was another son of his identical with Mango .
See Chango,Csángó,Tsitsishvili,Dósa,Dózsa,Burgund,Hermannstadter,Antalik,Kurucz,Tamudo,Pinka, Góral,Czafik,Pácini,Rusinko,Roxin,Purcar,Pacurar,Purecse,Purece,Sinca,Tipter,Szepesy,Hunyady,Matyó, Zaks,Brockmann,Franco,Lombard,Longobardi,Longobardo,Romanov ,Hucul.Kotromanic, Sándor de Csíkszentmihály,Canarias,Hierro and more !
Balázs Déri