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Salviati Genealogy and Salviati Family History Information

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  • Beverly D'Angelo
    Her IMDd page See Wikipedia... Beverly Heather D'Angelo (born November 15, 1951) is an American actress and singer, best known for her role as Ellen Griswold in the National Lampoon's Vaca...
  • Caterina Sforza (c.1462 - 1509)
    Caterina Sforza (1463 – 28 May 1509) was an Italian Noblewoman Caterina Sforza (born 1462/63, Milan [Italy]—died May 28, 1509, Florence) was an Italian noblewoman who ruled the cities of Forlì and Imol...
  • Francesco Maria Salviati, II. duca di Giuliano (1628 - 1698)
    GEDCOM Note === Francesco Maria Salviati, Duca di Giuliano * 1628 + 1698 Genitori Padre: Iacopo Salviati * 1607 Madre: Veronica Cybo * 10.12.1611 Matrimoni Caterina Sforza Figli Antonio Maria Sa...
  • Francesco Salviati, archbishop of Pisa (1443 - 1478)
    Francesco Salviati Riario was the archbishop of Pisa in 1474 and one of the organizers of the Pazzi conspiracy. A blood-member of the Riario family, and of the Salviati family (to whom Pope Sixtus ...

About the Salviati surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Salviati surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Salviati surname.

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