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Schick Genealogy and Schick Family History Information

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  • Anna Auředníčková (1873 - 1957)
    Anna Auředníčková, rozená Schicková (22. ledna 1873, Praha, Rakousko-Uhersko – 19. července 1957, Praha, Československo) byla česká překladatelka, prozaička, propagátorka české kultury v zahraničí (zej...
  • August Emmanuel Geiger Schick (1871 - 1937)
    Augusto Geiger fue un arquitecto suizo que nació en 1851 en Suiza y falleció en 1929 en Valparaíso, Chile. Su legado arquitectónico es fundamental en la historia de Valparaíso, ya que diseñó muchos edi...
  • Bela Sik (1880 - 1947)
  • R' Chanoch Henach Schick, A.B.D. Shklov (c.1710 - bef.1811)
    The Schicks were descended from Rabbi Hanoch Heinich Schick of Shklov who is said to have married a daughter of. Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Rivlin.This Shlomo Zalman had a first cousin of the same name, who w...
  • Emile Schick (1921 - 2002)
    USC Shoa testimony: and

About the Schick surname

  • Rabbi Moshe Shik (1807–1879; Hebrew: מהר"ם שיק) was a Rosh Yeshiva and Posek, and one of the leading Hungarian rabbis of his time. He is more commonly known as the Maharam Shik; Maharam is the acronym for Moreinu Harav Rabbi Moishe, which means "Our Teacher the Rabbi Moshe" in Hebrew. The spelling of his surname varies, including Shick, Schick, and Shieck; the surname is itself an acronym for "Shem Yisrael Kadosh" ("a holy, Jewish name"), a surname chosen by Maharam Shik's grandfather, when the Jews of Austro-Hungary were required to take on surnames

I/our family have received an oral tradition about the name SCHICK, acronym for SHEM, YISROEL, KODESH. Meaning that the name of a Jew (Israel/Israelite) is Holy. OUR FAMILY TRADITION has it that an ancestor died AL KIDDUSH HASHEM, a Martyrs death, and, as a RESULT of this, the surviving family had CHANGED-ADOPTED their new surname-name: henceforth, SH"I"K, etc. (written by a direct descendant). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------