There are already 2,464 users and over 100,911 genealogy profiles with the Schmidt surname on Geni. Explore Schmidt genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Ali Ghito was born as Adelheid Schnabel-Fürbringer in Zeulsdorf. She recieved an acting education and singing lessons as well. Beside it she also studied medicine and psychology.
She married an archi...
Alfredo Perl (Santiago, 1965) es un destacado pianista chileno.
Desde temprana edad se presentó en actuaciones públicas; la primera fue a las nueve años y desde entonces ha dado numerosos conciertos ...
Alica Schmidt (born 8 November 1998) is a German runner. She was part of the national team that came second in the 4 × 400 metres relay event at the 2017 European Athletics U20 Championships, and thi...
German and Jewish (Ashkenazic): occupational name from Middle High German smit, German Schmied ‘blacksmith’. The German surname is found in many other parts of Europe, from Slovenia to Sweden.
helen schmidt
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