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  • Agnes Cuthbertson (bef.1728 - d.)
    Agnes SimAgness Sim - Scotland, Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950* Birth: June 9 1728* Christening: June 16 1728 - Abbey Paisley, Renfrew, Scotland* Parents: John Sim, Agnes LennoxAgnes Sim - Scotland, Ma...
  • Agnes Sim (bef.1701 - d.)
    Agnes Lennox Baptism* Name: Agnes Lennox* Gender: Female* Baptism Date: 26 Oct 1701* Baptism Place: Elie,Fife,Scotland* Father: Mathew Lennox* Mother: Christian Duncan* FHL Film Number: 1040110other po...
  • Alastair Sim, CBE (1900 - 1976)
    Alistair Sim =Alastair George Bell Sim, CBE (9 October 1900 – 19 August 1976) was a Scottish character actor who appeared in a string of classic British films. He is best remembered in the role of Eben...
  • Albert James Sim (1880 - 1918)
    Private in WIR, file number 12488. Son of James and Ellen Sim.== Sources ==# New Zealand and World War One Roll of Honour: / Ref 16.4.2021
  • Anthony Sim (1752 - 1772)

About the Sim surname

Some Sim families,and some localities,for example in Siberia and elsewhere ,and the tribes they are named for ,
may be called so and descended for and from respectively the ancient Simos ,king of Arkadia ,
whose ancestors were Phialos son of Bukolión son of Holaias son of Kypselos son of Agamédés son of
Stymphélos son of Elatos son Arkas son of Zeys from Kallistó daughter of Lykaón son of Pelasgos .

Pelasgos may be identical with A'al-La-Per-Gela son of Asheg-Ha-Rawam-Ma ,that is Per-La-Aseg ,
from the tribe of BNWMWN ,the youngest of the twelve forefathers of the Chosen People ,the Native Americans ,
called therefore ,as one of the twelve "gods" ,or rather planets they may be named for ,Dionys by Greeks and Libér
by Latins ,the generic ancestor of Phoinicians ,as BNNW is the name of the Phoinix in Old Aigyptian .
A'al-La-Per-Gela ,called Gegham in Armenian and apparently Analapratapa in Hindu traditions ,from the family of
Iksvaaku ,son of Manu ,that is of Iakkhos ,son of Dionys ,or NYKhH son of BNWMWN ,was the father of WRKhM
father of Z-KRW ,who might have been a Zeys-Krés ,that is Lord of Crete ,and may be the same Zeys as the father of Arkas .
This Zeys ,son of Orkhamos son of Pelasgos ,and his wife ,Kallistó ,daughter of Lykaón son of the same Pelasgos ,
would thus be first cousins .

ZKRW may be the ancestor in general of Cruzeiro ,that is Christian peoples,who may now be called Crishana in
the Amazonian and Guayana regions after the name Krishna ,that might have been applied to him in Hindu ,
which in turn may come from Kru-Ishana ,that is Lord of Crete too .
Caribic and Yanomaman peoples are called so .
Zeys ( Zweui )and his son ,Arkas may hence be the ancestors of the Zorka tribe of Caribic langauge ,
named for them Zewu-Arka .
His son Elatos may be the progenitor of Elati tribe among the Cherokee ,while some descendants of his
great-grandson ,Kypselos ( Küp-Sel ) ,might have moved into Siberia ,where the people called apparently
for him Selkup ,known also as Ostyak-Samoyed ,still lives .
His father ,Agamédés might have been an Aga ,that is chieftain of Méds .

So Sim region in Siberia ,where until recent days the Ket language of the people at Yenisei known also as
Ostyak was spoken ,and elsewhere ,might originally have been a Selkup settlement ,and its inhabitants and
founders related to Zorca tribe of Caribbean Christians ,or Cannibals .
In fact,Yukagir language ,spoken among other places in Kolima ,shows some similarities with Caribean so
they might have absorbed some elements particularly of the Colima tribe of Caribbean affiliation .

Simos was the father of Pompos ,who might be the father of the Pomp-Okol among the Ostyak ,
father of Aiginétés father of Polyméstór and of Briakas father of Aikhmis father of Artistokratés father of
Hiketas father of Aristokratés and so on .
Some of the Selküp descendants of Simos ,from the family of Arkas ,might have remained in America,the Holy Land ,
and Sim-Araca subtribe of the Zorca in Columbia may hail from them .

Zorca and Simaraca tribes are also closely related to those called Chaque .
Sel-Kyp peoples ,descendants of Kypselos ,together with the latter ,may therefore be called Kypchak'-S'law in
Eastern Europe ,which could come from Kyp-Chaque-Sel(awa).
This could mainly refer to some Ucrainians ,in the demonym of whom the name of A-Ze-Kera-Wa might have
been preserved .

See Zorca,Zorka,Cruzeiro,Cruzero,Arca,Arkai,Arka,Perei,Finta,Perőcsényi,Yokohama,Perlasca,Antalik,Esmeraldino,
Kievsky,.Mykyta,Surara and others !

Balázs Déri