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Sofer/Schreiber Genealogy and Sofer/Schreiber Family History Information

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  • Rabbi Akiva Sofer of Pressburg - The Daat Sofer (1877 - 1959)
    1913--1996- The Eger Family Association- pg 181913--1990- The Eger Family Association- אילן ז
  • Chaya Schreiber-Heller, [3rd wife] (c.1780 - c.1850)
    COMMENT: The various sources posted on Chaya Schreiber-Sofer and Chaya Heller, make it likely that Chaya Schreiber-Sofer is not the daughter of Chaim Weinrib and Chaya Heller. I believe I can reconcile...
  • Rbzn. Hindel Johanna Ehrenfeld-Kadelburg (1813 - 1879)
    1913--1996- The Eger Family Association- pg 18,201913--1990- The Eger Family Association אילן ז,The book: "Charted Waters"
  • Malka Amalia Schreiber Sofer (1843 - 1896)
    On the מצבה of R’ Shlomo (the son of R’ Yakkov Akiva) is written that his mother was Malka (the daughter of R’ Shmiel Weiss).R’ Shlomo had a daughter named as his mother Malka, and she married R’ Amrom...
  • Malka Sarah Sofer, [1st wife] (b. - 1812)
    Died childless 1913--1996- The Eger Family Association- pg 18 1913--1990- The Eger Family Association- אילן ז Burial

About the Sofer/Schreiber surname

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