There are already 288 users and over 8,309 genealogy profiles with the Spears surname on Geni. Explore Spears genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Birth: Feb. 20, 1882 Jasper Marion County Tennessee, USA Death: May 5, 1927 Laredo Webb County Texas, USAFamily links: Parents: Ashley Lawrence Spears (1842 - 1900) Martha J. Pitts Spears (1846 - 189...
Bertha Spears Henderson
31 Jul 1906
Louisiana, USA
3 Jan 1973 (aged 66)
Lake Charles, Calcasieu Parish, Louisiana, USA
Dry Creek Cemetery
Dry Creek, Beauregard Parish, Louisiana, USA...
Lionel Malcolm Spears - born around 1881 Sheet Harbour, Nova Scotia - married to Ethel May Wambolt; then to Minnie Helpard
my great grandfather
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