There are already 172 users and over 6,404 genealogy profiles with the Stoll surname on Geni. Explore Stoll genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Croner, Annageboren am 13. Oktober 1914 in Hamburg / - / Hansestadt Hamburg wohnhaft in HamburgInhaftierung: 09. Dezember 1937 - 25. Februar 1938, GefängnisDep...
Bertha E. Whitenack Stoll BIRTH 10 Dec 1888 Missouri, USA DEATH 20 Sep 1964 (aged 75) Fresno County, California, USA BURIAL Smith Mountain Cemetery Dinuba, Tulare County, California, USA PLOT Block A,...
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