There are already 374 users and over 16,754 genealogy profiles with the Stout surname on Geni. Explore Stout genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
From Meigs County, Ohio, Genealogy Trails: Stout, Sr., *son of Abner (who was son of Joseph Stout Jr. from above), was born near Trenton, New Jersey on June 2, 1768. *He came to Ohio in 1806 and settle...
A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA (SOLDIER). DAR Ancestor # A110657
Son of James Stout and Jemima Howell Reeder
He married Elizabeth Armstrong.
He married Williampy Wyckoff in Amwel...
Children of John Hart and Deborah Scudder:8. Abigail Hart Feb 19, 1754/Feb 10, 1759 abt 1832/1833 Weartsville Youngs Burial Ground, NJ Married Moses Stout (1751-1832) on March 17, 1773===Abigail Hart* ...
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