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About the Strauss surname

From the STRAUSS Surname Project at:

The STRAUSS Clan is a large and genetically varied group of people of both Jewish and Gentile Germanic origin.

The name has been used by families in the Germanic area for at least a 1,000 years. The overlord of Gröna for example, went by the name of Struz and used the image of an Ostrich as his symbol. Examples of it could still be seen on the 1,000 year old church bell of that town. "Struz" or "Strutz" is the North-German form of the word "Strauss", which is of course the German word for an "Ostrich". A branch of that family later also built a keep at Straußberg near Sonderhausen in Thuringia .

Some of the earliest Jewish bearers of the name hailed from the Judengasse in medieval Frankfurt, where families have been known by the names of the House they inhabited. All the houses had names and these included Haus Strauss, complete with an image of an ostrich on the façade. Other famous houses that led to famous families included Haus Rothschild, Haus Wolf, Haus Schiff, etc.

When, for tax purposes, Napoleon made surnames obligatory in 1808, some more Jewish families decided to take the name Strauss or Straus.

Our Clan is therefore made up of numerous large and often well-known families who are completely unrelated to one another. Sizeable populations of these have also taken root outside of Europe in the USA, South Africa, Australia and elsewhere.

The STRAUSS Surname Project already has 11 separate STRAUSS lines, around half Jewish and half not


Balázs Déri thinks so :

A-Terra-Sha-Wash-She called likely by historicians in antiquity Sesóstris of Aigypt (Se-Sa-wa-Was-Terra-ya) ,ancestor of some kolkhi peoples of tu-phoinikin origin ,was from the tribe of Ba-Nawa-Mawanna.

Some Strauss family names may come from his name : She-Terra-A -Wash.

Sheshapatosh tribe although speaking algwank language may also come from him as related to massa-chuset for example and through him to Sethós,another king of Aigypt - A-wigui-Pat and Set-Tsho.

On the other hand Anapatellawa also had a son called A-was-ter-ra,ancestor of Austria of nawatl descend and perhaps of traus tribe in Thrakia as well,of whom some other,austrian Strausses may come : Sh'-Terra-a-was.

Bóstra,capital of nabataians (nabatl) may have also named by his sons Bo-Awasterra.

Jews and christians call them Tarshish, Benyamin,Naftali and Itsar.

See Schillinger ,Baumer,Glauber,Abeles,Schwab and others.