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van Staden Genealogy and van Staden Family History Information

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  • Aletta Catharina Adriana Jacomina Steenkamp (1812 - 1874)
    Baptism Steenkamp-Lacuschagne Marriage 1827 Cradock
  • Aletta Jacoba Gerber (1850 - 1933)
    Form of information of a Death 1st Marriage: 2nd Marriage (Widow) :
  • Aletta Willemsd Schalk van der Merwe, SM (bef.1684 - 1729)
    Xtra@child !! Marthe van Staden baptised 1706 or is Marthe =Marthinus? Maria van Staden baptised 1702 !!! Birth Date before 30 April 1684 Death Date 30 Sept 1729 First Name Aletta Last Name v...
  • Aletta van Staden (c.1755 - 1809)
    BaptismNGK Tulbagh Aletta Baptised: 1756, den 22 Febr 1756 Father: Marthinus van Staaden Mother: Maria Elisabeth Pienaar Witnesses: Daniel pienaar, en Elisabeth van Staaden Additional notes: NB: Deese ...
  • Anna Sophia (Dolly) Lötter (1915 - 1996)
    My grandmother had an INTENSE dislike of her name, despite it being a cherished family name, she was known as Dolly by all her family and friends. She was also insistent that the trema (two dots) are r...

About the van Staden surname

Originally a Belgian titled name, the Van Staden's settled in Port Elizabeth South Africa sometime before the 1860's....exact time unknown to author. The Original Van Stadens farm still exists just south of the Van Stadens river which is just south of the city. They formed part of the Moody's trek which went via Uitenhage and travelled north landing up at Cashel in the Eastern Highlands of now Zimbabwe. Please feel free to add or correct this statement!