There are already 97 users and 4,098 genealogy profiles with the Varney surname on Geni. Explore Varney genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree.
GEDCOM Note === Category:Varney_Name_Study == Biography ==Abigail Varney, daughter of Humprey and Sarah (Starbuck) (Austin) Varney, was born 10 July 1669 in Dover, Strafford County, New Hampshire. Barb...
Abigail Proctor was the leader of a party of women who raised the frame of the meeting house at Chebacco, after an order had been issued by the general court forbidding the men from raising it. The wom...
Citations*"New Hampshire Birth Records, Early to 1900," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 10 March 2018), Abigail Robinson, 23 Mar 1693; citing Dover, Strafford, New Hampshire, United States, Bure...
GEDCOM Note ===Find-A-Grave:yia, and died 10 AUG 1852 in Pike County, Kentucky.t Virginia.' Varney was born ABT 1816 in Kentucky. She married John White, son of Benjamin White and Ann Stewart. He was b...
New Englanders - mostly mid Maine area and Massachusetts
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