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Vidmar Genealogy and Vidmar Family History Information

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  • Aurelio Vidmar
    Aurelio Vidmar (/ɔːˈriːlioʊ ˈvɪdmɑːr/ aw-REEL-ee-oh VID-mar; born 3 February 1967) is an Australian association football manager and former player, currently manager of Melbourne City.
  • Ivan Gianni Vidmar (1892 - 1971)
    pionir K.u.K. letalstva, pilotski izpit leta 1911; med leti 1924-34 inštruktor letenja na šoli za pilote hidroavionov v Portorožu (nekdanje hidroplansko oporišče v Portorožu je bilo med skladiščem so...
  • dr. Milan Vidmar, st., šahist, elektrotehnik (1885 - 1962)
    slovenski elektrotehnik, šahist, filozof in pisatelj ( Wikipedia ) 1902 je na Univerzi na Dunaju pričel študirati strojništvo in diplomiral leta 1907, leta 1911 pa je na Tehniški fakulteti na Dunaju do...
  • Peter Glen Vidmar
    Peter Vidmar is an American gymnast and Olympic medalist. He won gold medals in the men's all-around team competition and the pommel horse competition, as well as a silver medal in the men's all-around...
  • Vidmar (deceased)

About the Vidmar surname

This section is a placeholder for information about the Vidmar surname. Surname information is crowd-sourced; the Geni community would be grateful if you helped update this page with information about the Vidmar surname.

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