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  • Abraham Weil (1851 - d.)
  • Abraham Weil (c.1730 - d.)
  • Baroness Adele Weil-Weiss, of Lainate (1830 - 1913)
    Italian22 & f = falseVarious Poems by Giovanni Rezzonico from Como - Milan 1854 - Poetry for the wedding of Ignazio Weil Weiss and Enrichetta BaselIgnazio may have married Adele Morpurgo on second marr...
  • Adolf Alfons Weil (1872 - 1942)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Weil, Adolf Alfons Alphonse geboren am 15. Oktober 1872 in Sulzburg/Müllheim/Badenwohnhaft in SulzburgDeportation ab Baden - Pfalz - Saarland 22. Oktober 1940,...
  • Adolf Weil (1892 - 1945)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Weil, Adolf geboren am 03. September 1892 in Aachen / - / Rheinprovinz wohnhaft in Embken und KölnDeportation: ab Köln 07. Dezember 1941, Riga, GhettoTodesdatu...

About the Weil surname

Some Weil families ,mainly those in kinship with others of Kozár,that is of Arabian Nabatai and Idumai origin may descend from Wa'il from the family of Himyar from among the descendants of Qahtan .

The latter is stated to be a son of Aaber,but on the base of chronology one could more easily identify that Aabar with - for example - Ar-Reg-Heb-Bar-Ge-Ma son of Salamon. Anyway,Chenariya tribe in the Caucas now likely among Nokchua and Ibérian peoples is also of Arabian origin from Yemen,namely from Mudar,Nizar,and from Uuqayl.The latter might have been a

king of Himyar,as their kings were called Qayl for some reason .

See Himer,Mandarin,Neufeld,Petry,Riyadi,Saudi,Luxemburg,Neumayer,Mohammed,Klaber,Habi,Haber, Georg,Weinhandler,Deliaga,Arsch,Kamil,Nachmann,Yazidi,Hackel,Kohn,Munk,Nadler,Scheiber,Kostbar, Kun,Dobó,Hannofer,Hamburger,Trenka,Grigoryev,Horpatzky,Horpácsy,Tevan,Kozár,Kozáry,Markmann ,Cygan,Zague,Dickmann,Kano and more !

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