Weiler families may somehow be descended from Waayle son of Kalibar son of Mursal son of Wadeirle son of Karanle son of Hawiya son of Irir son of Samaale Osmaan .
Irir ,called Idwal - likely from Ir-Dwal - ,by the Welsh,might well have been the chief of Dual tribe of Irons , of whom Duala might also have been named ,who lived on the steppes of Eastern Europe as far as the mountains of Dakia .
Irons in general may be descended from Irawan of Arjhuna ,likely identical with Ar-Ret-Zhe-ya-Na son of A'ala-Wa-Dar-Ge ,while their Digori counterparts from Gordy(s) of Argos ,from Triptolem's family , both having mixed with Médians and using the dialect that had spread in those regions around Média . Their original one though must have been something close to Batsbi language,as to the Irons , and to Zhe one ,as to Dygors .
See Dubovsky,Kulowski,Moldovan,Ormian,Weil,Erbler,Herein,Herédy,Makarenkov,Makarenko,Greif,Belgrader, Belgrad,Svan,Jászi,Aladár,Elias,Mudry,Mudrík,Scheiber,Nadler,Landauer,Landau,Kaleva,Somalia, Suomalainen,Karelin,Norway,Brockmann,Iron,Irani,Anarcsi,Magyary,Magyari,Graufeld,Rácz,Czigány, Mataco,Nakhchevan,Matko,Matkovic,Smaragd,Turk,Politzer,Kohn,Hackel,Kramer and more !
Balázs Déri