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  • Aleksander Weiler (1887 - 1950)
    Vana kalendri järel sündinud 4. märtsil 1887.a SnM Kose 1887 nr 99 Aleksander Kustaw, isa Neu-Harmi aednik Daniel Weiler, ema Mari, s Jürgens, Neu-Harm Kose koguduses: PR Harmi 1872-1894 lk 417 Weile...
  • Amalie Weiler (1879 - 1942)
    Eintrag im »Gedenkbuch« des Bundesarchivs:Weiler, Amaliegeborene Blumenthal geboren am 01. Juli 1879 in Halsdorf / Kirchhain / Hessen-Nassau wohnhaft in Neustadt und RothDeportation: ab Kassel-Chemnitz...
  • Anna Margaretha Weiler (1697 - 1740)
    DOB May 1693 - May 1694 Koon and Coons families of eastern New York : a history of the descendants of Matthias Kuntz and Samuel Kuhn ... Daughter of Sebastian Loescher and Elizabeth Kuhn. Born 16...
  • Anna Weiler (1684 - 1740)
    "Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch ( : accessed 2014-04-01), entry for Nicolaus /Monreal/.
  • Aron Weiler (1779 - 1857)
    Reference: Ancestry Genealogy - SmartCopy : Jul 16 2019, 0:08:02 UTC

About the Weiler surname

Weiler families may somehow be descended from Waayle son of Kalibar son of Mursal son of Wadeirle son of Karanle son of Hawiya son of Irir son of Samaale Osmaan .

Irir ,called Idwal - likely from Ir-Dwal - ,by the Welsh,might well have been the chief of Dual tribe of Irons , of whom Duala might also have been named ,who lived on the steppes of Eastern Europe as far as the mountains of Dakia .

Irons in general may be descended from Irawan of Arjhuna ,likely identical with Ar-Ret-Zhe-ya-Na son of A'ala-Wa-Dar-Ge ,while their Digori counterparts from Gordy(s) of Argos ,from Triptolem's family , both having mixed with Médians and using the dialect that had spread in those regions around Média . Their original one though must have been something close to Batsbi language,as to the Irons , and to Zhe one ,as to Dygors .

See Dubovsky,Kulowski,Moldovan,Ormian,Weil,Erbler,Herein,Herédy,Makarenkov,Makarenko,Greif,Belgrader, Belgrad,Svan,Jászi,Aladár,Elias,Mudry,Mudrík,Scheiber,Nadler,Landauer,Landau,Kaleva,Somalia, Suomalainen,Karelin,Norway,Brockmann,Iron,Irani,Anarcsi,Magyary,Magyari,Graufeld,Rácz,Czigány, Mataco,Nakhchevan,Matko,Matkovic,Smaragd,Turk,Politzer,Kohn,Hackel,Kramer and more !

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