- https://stirnet.com/genie/data/british/ww/weld1.php (membership required in order to view without interruption)
- https://stirnet.com/genie/data/british/ww/weld2.php (membership required in order to view without interruption)
- https://stirnet.com/genie/data/british/ww/weld3.php (membership required in order to view without interruption)
WELD, WEALD, WELDE, ABD WOLDE, are grouped by Bardsley in ·his Dictionary of English and Welsh Surnames (London, 1901, p. 800) under the following:
"Local, 'at the weld,' from residence near by a woody or stubbly waste or weld; cf.
Fenn; see also Wealde
and gives instances of' early use in old records:Walter de la Wolden (Fines Roll 11 Edward I).
"John atte Welde" {Rot. Pat. 4 Edw. III, pt. 11).
Willelmus del Weld (1379, P. T. Yorks, p. 33).
"James Welde" (Reg. Univ. Ox. vol. ii, .pt. ii, p. 334).
"Sir John Cutts and Anne Weld," marriage license., 1632 (Faculty Of'f'ice, p. 21) .•
These instances well show the evolution of the present form. The spelling took
generations to settle down. Like the occurrence in the same books or manuscripts of
such forms as "goodness" and "goodnesse," we should expect "Weld" and "Welde." Besides,
there was a tendency, as in many other surnames, to add a final "s," tending to confuse
the resulting "Welds" with the more common, but entirely different., "Wells." - All these
variations are noted in English records of the time of' the great migration., and persisted for a time in America.
Rev. Thomas Weld of' Roxbury, the first to come to Massachusetts, is frequently referred to by historians as "Welde and in contemporary documents
as Wells, although he more often signed himself plain "Weld," and he is hailed by
Johnson of Wonder Working Providence in his adulatory doggerel as "Welds" (1654). In
their own signatures the members of the family were pretty consistent., and soon became
entirely so; but others, writing the name from hearing, influenced by the colloquial tendency to a f'inal "s", were misled into writing Wells~ to such an extent, in f'act, that a number of known Massachusetts families in 1790 were so misnamed by the first United
States Census enumerators.
~• the above from a study (never completed)
WELD COLLECTIONS < click The above from Page 13
Charles Frederick Robinson
Weld on Wikipedia
- {https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Weld_family Weld overview]
- Eadric, the Wild
- Humphrey Weld of Ludworth (1612-1685)
- Court Of Charles II of Engalnd; He was given a royal court appointment as Gentleman of the Privy Chamber in 1668
- William Gordon Weld (1775-1825]
- William Fletcher Weld (1800-1881)
- William Walker Weld (1840-1905)
- Isabel Weld Perkins (1876=1948)
- Tuesday Weld (1943- )
- Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress for Looking for Mr. Goodbar (1977