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  • Abraham Teomim-Zwillinger-Pollak (1755 - 1824)
    Abraham Teomim-Zwillinger-Pollak, b. in Lissa, 1754, d. in House No. 24, 3 Apr 1824, age 69, of pneumonia. He came with his parents to Holesov from Lissa around 1774. Hebrew writing next to his name (i...
  • R' Aryeh Judah Leib Teomim (Löbl Zwillinger) (R’ Juda Lisser), A.B.D. Lissa, Loschitz, Holleschau (c.1756 - 1794)
    R' Aryeh Judah Leib Teomim was born in Lissa, Posen [now Leszno, Poland] about 1756, the son of R' Samuel Teomim (c1729-1794), later A.B.D. Lobsens. He was Av Beit Din (A.B.D.) -- chief rabbinical judg...
  • Barbara Zwillinger (c.1727 - 1800)
    Barbara (aka Brauna), wife of R' Markus [Meir] Teomim-Zwillinger, was born in Lissa, c1727, and died in household #8, Holesov, on 9 July 1800, "age 76" [actually age about 73]. She was the daughter of ...
  • Cecilia Rosenbaum (1855 - 1913)
    1899 Hungary Marriage Record - Gyula TRENSCHINER (born 25/7/1866 Budapest, son of Hermann TRENSCHINER and Berta LOWY) married Katalin ROSENBAUM (born 26/12/1879 Budapest, daughter of Samuel ROSENBAUM a...
  • Channa Tauber (Zwillinger) (1777 - 1826)
    Channa (Zwillinger) Tauber was born in Holesov, 1777, and died of pneumonia on 24 July 1826, age 48. Her marriage record refers to her as "Anna Zwillinger, age 20," but she was actually just 15 at the ...

About the Zwillinger surname

Zwillinger family may come from among Quilllacinga tribe in America in case they are
K'-Willa-Ce-Inga,inhabitants of Ini-Ga called otherwise Uruk in antiquity,that is identical
Hiero-Salém or Eldorado : Tse-Willa-Inga-er.

They may be related to Huilli-Che tribe of Araucanians too ,whose name may be pronounced
by some as Willi-Tse .
Mapuche peoples in general may be descended from Manco Capac,the Inga of Cuzco,who
founded the so called Chima Panaca ,or Hawk Family ,as it is interpreted.
This name though may originally be Che-Mapu-Inaka and may refer to Mapuche people of Inka
origin .
So Zwillinger may be explained from Tse-Willi-Inga-Er,that is a Huilli-Che Inca .
Huillliche literally means South-People.

Huil in similar meaning is or was also used in Toba-Kom and Pihao langauges

Manko also ruled at Chimu ,apparently ,to be called there Taycanamu ,that may be interpreted as
Ta-Inka-Nhamunh in Mapudungun ,meaning Supporter Of Foot .
Manko ,whose name means a crunch in Hungarian ,identical with Mari Dyatta ,the Mande-Inka ,
was famous for having had learned to walk in his late age with the help of an iron crunch made
especially for him .
Mari Dyatta alias Mithridat was called in Welsh tradition Meurig / Maurici ,that would mean Maur King .
On this base Taycanamu can be explained as Te Ika(n)-a-Maui ,the name of the main island of
Aotearoa ,home of Maori people .

See Wilczek,Chile,Arauco,Magyary,Magyari,Jakab,Neuquén,Burkin,Kemenczei,Kemencei,Daday,Dadai,
Malinka,Dickmann,Schillinger,Kamenka,Inga,Kaminka,Zealand,Csepeli,Pawel,Magyar and more !

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