In former posts it was suggested that you were born in Oldenzaal.
I see in your pedigree that your maidenname is Odendaal.
Maybe this link is helpful for the De Bruin-side: search for Wilhelmina Maria De Bruin, and select the approximate date of birth. Hope this will be helpful.
There is also some information on sources on these projects: and
Landmacht: Supplementen Stamboeken Bataafs-Franse tijd 1795-1810
nr 134 : G. Besuijdenhout, Birthplace : De Caap (Capetown)
Beste Madelein,
Ek het jou stamboom gaan voltooi so ver ek kon. Meeste van die families was reeds nagevors en opgetrek en ek kon jou voorouers koppel aan hulle. Daar is egter nog werk wat gedoen moet word om al die inligting oor en weer op te teken aangesien sommige van die ingligting op Geni is, terwyl ander weer op FamilySearch te vinde is. Ek sal soos ek kans kry nog van die skakels en verwysings by die profiele voeg.
Die enigste tak wat nog teruggetrek moet word tot by die stamvader is JJ Bezuidenhout. Ek kon wel vasstel dat hy Jacobus Johannes Bezuidenhout was gebore rondom 1862 (volgens sy trousertifikaat). Sal kyk wat ek nog oor hom kan uitvind. Mens kan nou die dope, sterfkennisse en troudokumente gaan bymekaarmaak oor voorouers wat jy nou vir die eerste keer ontmoet om te sien waar hul gewoon het, wat hule beroepe was, ens.
Here is a cool tip. Sign up for a id. The free subscription is good enough. Then on the search line of any browser (like Google, for example) type in something like ‘Wilhelmina Maria de Bruin’. If she has a profile on Geni you will see it in your search list. If you select it it will pull up the profile. At the top of that profile will be a button that will show you how the searched person is related to the head person of your id. If you made yourself the head person on it will show you how the two of you are related. is a collaborative world family tree like Wiki.