Abigail Davenport

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Abigail Davenport (Newcomb) (1677 - d.)

Birthplace: Weymoutn, Norfolk Co, MA
Death: Plymouth, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts
Immediate Family:

Daughter of John Newcomb and Ruth Newcomb
Wife of Richard Davenport
Sister of Michael ‘Micah’ Newcomb; John Newcomb; Ruth Copeland; Samuel Newcomb; Mercy Pratt and 4 others

Managed by: Catherine M. Price
Last Updated:

About Abigail Davenport


From https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Davenport-34

There are no confirmed marriage or death records for Abigail but there are the following records that suggest she married Richard Davenport.

Abigail and her husband, Richard Davenport's names appear in the administration papers of her father's estate dated March 11, 1705/06.

There is a record in the Legislators of Massachusetts General Court, 1691-1780 suggesting that an Abigail Shaw, born abt 1680 and died before 1707, was the first wife of Richard Davenport, married about 1698. To confuse matters Richard married in 1707, as his second wife, Abigail Newcomb, b. 1677.

There is also in Torrey’s New England Marriages Prior to 1700, that Richard Davenport, married as his first wife, Abigail SHAW, dau John; by 1699(1700?); Weymouth/Bridgewater.

Finally, there is a birth record for DAVENPORT, (Will)iam, ch. (R)ichard and Abigail, Mar. 8, 1699. in the Weymouth (Births) - V1, Page: 93.

Children of John Newcomb & Ruth

Genealogical and Personal Memoirs: Relating to the Families of Boston and ... By William Richard Cutter. Page 925. < GoogleBooks >


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Abigail Davenport's Timeline

Weymoutn, Norfolk Co, MA
Plymouth, Plymouth Co, Massachusetts