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Davenport Genealogy and Davenport Family History Information

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  • Abigail Davenport (c.1644 - 1717)
    Died on Jul. 20, 1717 at age 74. Wife of John Davenport. Daughter of Abraham Pierson. Buried in the Center Church on the Green Churchyard in New Haven, New Haven County, Connecticut, Plot: 118D. Find A...
  • Abigail Davenport (1677 - d.)
    Notes From are no confirmed marriage or death records for Abigail but there are the following records that suggest she married Richard Davenport.Abigail and her husband, Richard Davenport's names appea...
  • Abigail Davenport (1672 - bef.1707)
    Abigail Shaw*Born 15 Jul 1672 in Weymouth, Norfolk, Massachusetts Bay Colony*Daughter of John Shaw and Alice Phillips===Notes From are no confirmed marriage or death records for Abigail but there are t...
  • Abigail Davenport (c.1760 - 1782)
  • Abigail Davenport (1683 - 1747)
    His will, [ Samuel “the Millwright” Adams, of Chelmsford & Canterbury ], made and signed with his mark, Aug. 7, 1727, probated at Plainfield, Dec. 4, 1727, and or record at Willimantic, speaks of his s...

About the Davenport surname

family arms

Argent, a chevron between three crosses crosslet fitchee sable

other versions of this surname