Catherine Calhoun

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Catherine Calhoun (Montgomery) (1684 - 1760)

Also Known As: "Katherine (Montgomery) Stuart Calhoun"
Birthplace: Near Convoy House, County Donegal, Ireland
Death: February 01, 1760 (75-76)
Long Cane, Abbeville, South Carolina, USA (Killed by Indians)
Place of Burial: Indian Massacre Grave, McCormick, South Carolina, United States
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Hugh Montgomery and Jane Patrick Montgomery
Wife of Alexander Stuart, I and James Calhoun
Mother of Alexander Stewart, II; Mary Baskin; James Calhoun, Sr.; Catherine (or Mary) Noble; Ezekiel Calhoun and 5 others
Sister of Jane McBrayer; Ezekial Montgomery; Joseph Robert Montgomery; Hugh V. Montgomery, II; Captain James Montgomery, I and 2 others

Occupation: killed by Cherokee Indians near Long Cane Creek
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Catherine Calhoun

Disputed Origins

Please join this project on FTDNA - I'm kin Maternally and Paternally to both lineages of The Montgomery Clan- this may help us sort this out. [] You will need full mtdna and BigYdna testing with FTNDA and Scottish Heritage.


Seen as daughter of of Hugh Montgomery abt. 1640-1702 married to Jane Patrick Catherine abt. 1684 m. James Patrick Calhoun

Also seen as daughter of Capt Hugh Montgomery & Mary Snodgrass.

Married 1st to Alexander Stuart. Following his death, Catherine remarried in 1713, County Donegal, Ireland to James Patrick Calhoun son of Rev. Alexander Calhoun and Lady Judith Hamilton.

Patrick, John C. Calhoun's father, also was a fierce Indian fighter as noted in the Battle at Long Canes SC that began the French & Indian war in SC on Feb 1, 1760. Many of the settlement was killed in that battle including Patrick Calhoun's aged mother of 76. Patrick Calhoun had Andrew McComb a local millwright to carve a stone to the memory of Catherine Calhoun & the other 22 slain, about twenty years later, which still stands.

The Long Cane Massacre Site is significant to the history of exploration and settlement in South Carolina and for its association with the Cherokee War of 1760-61 and the Calhoun settlement of Long Cane. The property includes the gravestone which marks the place where twenty-three of the Long Cane settlers were killed in a bloody massacre by the Cherokee Indians on February 1, 1760. Among those killed was Catherine Calhoun, matriarch of the Calhoun family, who figured prominently in the settlement of upcountry South Carolina. Long Cane Massacre can be attributed in part to a boundary dispute between the Cherokee Indians and white settlers over a parcel of land lying between Long Cane Creek and Little River. The site is located in a secluded area, contributing to the preservation of the site’s historic integrity. A small metal footbridge, built ca. 1945, spans a small stream near the gravestone. Listed in the National Register January 27, 1983.


  • Parents: Capt. Hugh Montgomery (1640 - 1702) & Jane Patrick (1665 - 1745). Also noted as Hugh MONTGOMERY (ca1640-ca1702) & Mary SNODGRASS


  1. 1705, Ireland, to Alexander Stewart, Laird of Laledcriech (1676 - 1712)
  2. 1712, Ireland, to James Calhoun (1688 - 1741)

Children include

  1. Alexander Stewart (1706-1787)
  2. Catherine Mary (ca 1712-)
  3. James Calhoun
  4. Ezekial Calhoun
  5. William Calhoun married Agnes Long 19 Oct 1749
  6. Patrick Calhoun died 15 Mar 1796.
  7. Mary Calhoun who married John Noble.


1756 mother Catherine and the listed children removed from VA to SC settling on Long Cane Creek, Prince William's Parish, Granville County.

July 18, 1756, 400 acres were surveyed out to William Calhoun, who subsequently received other grants.

Nov. 17, 1756 200 acres were surveyed out to Patrick Calhoun who subsequently received other grants.

July 11, 1758 350 acres were surveyed out to Ezekiel Calhoun who subsequently received other grants.

Aug. 11, 1758 350 acres were surveyed out to James Calhoun who subsequently received other grants.

Patrick had been commissioned Surveyor General (Egerton Leigh) as his deputy surveyor for this work and laid out lands for his brothers.

Ezekial Calhoun made out his will Sep. 3, 1759 and it was proved before Thomas Bell May 25, 1762.


Land records of South Carolina (Secretery of State's Office), platt book 6 and 13.

Catherine was killed, along with about 20 other settlers, by Indians as they were escaping from Long Cane, SC to safety at Agusta, GA.


1. The South Carolina Gazette, Friday February 23, 1760.

2. The Gulf State Historical Magazine , Vol. 1 (1903).

3. Publications of the Southern History Association, Vol. VIII, pp. 179-195.

Person Sheet

NameCatherine MONTGOMERY

Birth1684, Near Convoy House, County Donegal, Ireland

Death1 Feb 1760, Abbeville, Abbeville County, South Carolina (Near Long Canes Creek)

Father Hugh MONTGOMERY (ca1640-ca1702)


Misc. Notes

Following the death of Alexander, Catherine remarried in 1713, in County Donegal, Ireland to James Patrick Calhoun, son of Reverand Alexander Calhoun and Lady Judith Hamilton. Patrick and Catherine took their children to America in 1733, after her Stewart children were grown. They landed at New York or Philadelphia and moved to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, where they settled in the Chestnut Level area. Around 1748, some time after Patrick’s death, Catherine moved her family to some new lands that were opening up in Augusta County, Virginia. In 1755 the Indians became more active and Catherine moved again to the Long Cane Creek area of Abbeville, South Carolina. They moved in the middle of winter and got there in February 1756. The place for a while was called North and South Forks of Calhoun Creek, where it joined the Little river. They were sixteen miles from the nearest Indian settlement and thought they would be safe there. The morning of January 31, 1760 a messenger came through the little settlement and told them that the Indians were on the warpath and moving toward their area. The afternoon of January 31st and the morning of February 1st were spent loading wagons and getting provisions ready to move out. About noon on February 1st, some 200-250 settlers moved out for Augusta, Georgia, a larger town about 40 miles southeast of their location. They had only gone about 10 miles when in crossing the Long Canes Creek, several wagons got stuck. By the time they had all the wagons across the creek it was dark so they camped for the night. Soon after dark, they were attacked by a band of Cherokee Indians. Some of the settlers escaped by horseback, some on foot, but most of them scattered finding shelter in the trees or whereever they could hide. Mostly women and children were killed as 23 settlers were left dead at the sign of the massacre. The Indians had burned all the wagons and nearly all the goods were stolen. In the group that was killed, Catherine Montgomery Stewart Calhoun was among them. She was 76 years old. A momument to the dead, including Catherine, was erected in the 1790’s by Catherine’s son, Patrick Calhoun. Two small girls, ages 3 and 5 of the Calhoun’s were abducted by the Indians. One eventually returned, but the other was never heard from again.

The following articles appeared in the South-Carolina Gazette:

“Yesterday se’night the whole of the Long-Cane Settlers, to the number of 150 souls, moved off with most of their effects in Waggons; to go towards Augusta in Georgia, and in a few hours after their setting off, were surprized and attacked by about 100 Cherkees on horseback, while they were getting their waggons out of a boggy place. They had amongst them 40 gunmen, who might have made a very good defence, but unfortunately their guns were in the waggons; the few that recovered theirs, fought the Indians half an hour, and were at last obliged to fly. In the action they lost 7 waggons, and 40 of their people killed or taken (including women and children) the rest got safe to Augusta whence and express arrived here with the same account on Tuesday morning.”

“Canes, who were attacked by the Cherokees on the 1st Instant, as they were removing their wives, children and best effects, to Augusta in Georgia for safety, is just come to town and informs us, ‘That the whole of those settlers might be about 250 souls, 55 or 60 of them fighting men; that their loss in that affair amounted to about 50 persons, chiefly women and children, with 13 loaded waggons and carts; that he had since been at the place where the action happened, in order to bury the dead, and found only 20 of their bodies, most inhumanly butchered; that the Indians had burnt the woods all around, but had left the waggons and carts there empty and unhurt; and that he believes all the fighting men would return to and fortify the Long-Cane Settlement, were part of the rangers so stationed as to give them some assistance and protection.’”

“We have no late advices from Fort Prince George, or any consequence from places in that route. But from Fort Moore, we learn, that a gang of about 18 Cherokees, divided into 8 or 4 parties, on the 15th instant, way-laid, killed and scalped Ulric Tobler, Esq.; a Captain of Militia in those parts, as he was riding from his father’s to that fort; and shot Mr. William Calhoon, who was with him, in the hand; 3 other persons, who were in company escaped unhurt; the Indian who killed Captain Tobler, left a hatchet sticking in his neck, on which were 3 old notches, and 3 newly cut.”

In the fall of 1993, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy L. Forsythe traveled to Abbeville, South Carolina to find the common gravesite of those killed in the massacre. Mr. Forsythe had obtained information and clues concerning the location of the gravesite from different people and also from historical articles. They had a difficult time locating the gravesite, as many of the Abbeville townsfolk had not been there in a long time and could not give very specific directions. Mr. Forsythe finally pieced together various clues given to him and was able to locate a sign that read “Indian Massacre Cemetery - 3 miles.” They followed the road until they came to a fork and did not know which way to go. They discovered a small sign in the weeds near a fencepost that read: “Indian Massacre Cemetery - 1 mile,” with an arrow pointing down the right-hand fork. They finally found the cemetery after crossing over a narrow, “walk-over bridge” and entering a clearing surrounded by tall pine trees. There was the cemetery containing three stones. One stone was for Catherine Montgomery Stewart Calhoun, another was very old and they could not tell if it had any inscription. The third looked new with the names of four Norris family members who had also been killed in the massacre. After all the travels over many dirt roads, the Forsythes now know how to get to the cemetery. Go to Troy, South Carolina, either via McCormick or Bradley; Troy is very small. When you get into town, you will find a railroad track on one side of the road and a gas station/mechanic shop on the other. Turn to the southwest and cross the tracks and immediately (right now) stop and turn your head and look over your left shoulder and there is an exact duplicate of the sign that was found at the entrance to the cemetery. From there, the sign that says “three miles west is the site of the Massacre” is correct, as the first line on the sign at the cemetery is incorrect. So you go ahead and follow this road as it makes a curve to the left and in a little distance, about 1 mile from the tracks) you will arrive at a fork. Take the left-hand road and you will soon reach another fork where the arrow points to the right-hand lane. Take that fork and soon you will reach the sign that reads “Long Canes Massacre.” A sign points to a road to the left which says, “Massacre Cemetery 1 mile.” You soon arrive at the cemetery from the same direction as the victims. Before crossing the footbridge, there is a large sign which reads:



Three miles west is a Site

of an attack by Cherokee Indians

upon settlers of Long Canes in the

Cherokee War of 1759-1761. There

on Feb. 1, 1760, about 150 settlers,

refugeeing to Augusta, were overtaken

by 100 Cherokee Warriors. Twenty-three

victims were left on the scene of action

and are there buried in one grave.

Catherine was pregnant with their daughter, Mary, before the death of Alexander. Following Alexander’s death, Catherine remarred in 1713, County Donegal, Ireland, to James Patrick Calhoun.

Some records show Catherine and James with a daughter, Jean, who may have died young. Mary (Catherine and Alexander’s daughter) was born after Catherine’s marriage to Patrick Calhoun so, therefore, was called Mary Calhoun or in some records Catherine Mary Calhoun. 294


1Alexander STUART432

Birth1675, Scotland

Death1712, ?, Londonderry, Northern Ireland

FatherUnknown (Possibly William) STUART


Misc. Notes

Alexander was born in Scotland, possibly Edinburgh Midlothian area.

He emigrated to Londonderry, Northern Ireland in ca. 1700 and married in 1705 to Catherine Montgomery, daughter of Captain Hugh Montgomery and Mary Snodgrass.

Studies have been made by many genealogists of the Stewart families in Ireland and this particular Stewart Family Genealogy traces our ancestors to Alexander Stuart of Scotland. According to a Family Chart drawn by J. Adger Stewart in 1925, our ancestors are of Scottish descent and it is believed that they went to Ireland around 1700. They are not believed to have been involved in the Plantation movement.294

“When Mary Queen of Scots was married to the French king, the French spelled the name - STUART - because they did not have a W in their alphabet.”432

“I believe that I can help with the answer to this question. In reading the “Scots Peerage” it explains it pretty well. The ancestors of this family were the hereditary High Stewards of Scotland. The 4th High Steward took the title as his surname.

Walter, the 6th High Steward, married the daughter of Robert the Bruce. After the death of King David II (Bruce’s son) Robert Stewart, the son of Walter and grandson of Robert the Bruce became King of Scotland as Robert II. His direct descendants, who ruled Scotland, carrying the name Stewart were: Robert II, Robert III, James I, James II, James III, James IV, James V, Mary Queen of Scots who married Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley. They had James Stuart I of England and VI of Scotland.

The Henry Stuart family is also descended from the Stewarts, but several generations back, this branch of the family had received French lands and titles and adopted the French spelling of the name, hence Stuart.

The name of the dynasty did change with James VI from Stewart to Stuart, but since they are pronounced the same, many people did not realize this.

Both Mary Stewart and Henry Stuart were grandchildren of Margaret Tudor (daughter of King Henry VII of England, sister of Henry VIII). Her first husband was King James IV. They were the parents of James V. He was killed at Flodden, 9 Sep 1513, fighting the forces of his brother-in-law. Queen Margaret married secondly, Archibald Douglas, and had a daughter Margaret. Margaret Douglas married Matthew Stuart, Earl of Lennox and had Henry Stuart who grew up and married his 1/2 first cousin, Mary Stewart, the Queen. Being a double descendant of Henry VII is how James VI was given the crown of England after the death of Elizabeth I.433

Marriage1705, Ireland

Misc. Notes

The existence of the marriage between Alexander and Catherine has caused some speculation among the Calhoun researchers. In a lot of articles about the Stewarts, it mentions that a Stewart married a “Widow Calhoun.” Catherine was most known as a Calhoun. She was a Widow Stewart when she married Patrick Calhoun. Then, when Patrick died she became a Widow Calhoun. Mr. Orval O. Calhoun, of Cobourg, Ontario, Canada, a Calhoun descendent and one who is universally acknowledged as being the authority on Calhoun research, reported that Catherine Montgomery and Alexander Stewsart’s marriage did exist. Mr. Tracy Forsythe was in contact with Mr. Calhoun and he relayed this information: “Yes, I know of Alexander Stuart (later changed to Stewart) coming to Ireland about 1700 and marrying Catherine Montgomery about 1704/1705 when she was 20 years of age, but she was NOT a widow Calhoun, as listed in some records by mistake. Yes, I’ll agree, the Calhoun family sure kept the secret of Catherine Montgomery’s marriage to Alexander Stuart. I do believe the Stuart version of the affair, why denit it, when it is in the Records; I daresay the item is in the Stuart or Stewart papers in the PRO in Belfast, Ireland, that is where the Stewart papers are and could be researched by anyone.”

The Stewart Clan Magazine, published by George T. Edson, found the information about Alexander and Catherine and it was then published in April 1939. We may never know for sure which recordings are correct and which are theory, unless they are researched with an open mind and no stones left unturned.

ChildrenAlexander (1706-1787)

Catherine Mary (ca1712-)

2James Patrick CALHOUN

Birth1688, Newtownstewart (Crosh House), Tyrone, Ireland

Death1741, Chestnut Level, Lancaster, Pennsylvania

FatherReverand Alexander CALHOUN

MotherLady Judith HAMILTON

Misc. Notes

In Ireland, the Calhouns spelled their name Colhoun (Colquhoun in some records) before moving to the States.

Patrick and Catherine took their children to America in 1733, after her Stewart children were grown. They landed either in New York or Philadelphia and moved to Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania, where they settled in the Chestnut Level area. Around 1748, some time after Patrick’s death, Catherine moved her family to some new lands that were opening up in Augusta Co., Virginia.

ChildrenJames (1716-1760)

Ezekiel (1720-1762)

William (1725-1790)
Patrick (1727-)
Last Modified 7 Apr 2005Created 31 Dec 2008 using Reunion for Macintosh

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If you have additions or corrections (along with sources), I would appreciate your input. Please contact Celia Snyder, .

Dec 31, 2008 ... In the group that was killed, Catherine Montgomery Stewart Calhoun was among them. .... daughter of Captain Hugh Montgomery and Mary Snodgrass. ... Family Genealogy traces our ancestors to Alexander Stuart of Scotland. ...

Killed at Long Canes Massacre by Cherokee Indians.


  1. Find A Grave Memorial# 17233694
  3. Clan Colquhoun Lewin Dwinell McPherson, A.B., A.M., author of CALHOUN, HAMILTON, BASKIN AND RELATED FAMILIES, traces the genealogy out of Patrick Calhoun of Ulster, North of Ireland. All information on these pages was abstracted from said source.

A tentative reconstruction of the life of Catherine Montgomery Stewart Calhoun (1684-1760): CATHERINE MONTGOMERY CALHOUN: A tentative reconstruction of the life of Catherine Montgomery Calhoun. She was said, by her family, to be a daughter of (Capt.) Hugh Montgomery of Scotland, late of Ireland. She was born in 1684 near Convoy House, Raphoe, County Donegal, Ireland (some sources say Londonderry). Catherine was said to be closely related to Genl. Richard Montgomery who was killed at the storming of Quebec in 1775 as per the letters of Hon. John Caldwell Calhoun (1782-1850), South Carolina statesman (grandson of Catherine). Genl. Richard Montgomery was born on December 2, 1736 at Swords, Dublin County, Ireland and was killed at the storming of Quebec on December 31, 1775. Genl. Richard descended from the Montgomery family of Hessilhead, Scotland, a cadet branch of the great Scottish house of Eglinton of Ayrshire. The Montgomery Clan of Scotland was an ancient Anglo-Norman family of Viking ancestry who came into England with Duke William at the Conquest, and for their part in the Battle of Hastings in 1066 were granted extensive lands and estates in Wales and England, From there they went north to Scotland acquiring castles and lands including Eaglesham, Eglinton, Polnoon and others. During the time of "the Plantations", they were established in Ireland along with many other branches of the family and thence to the American colonies. The relationship of Catherine to Genl. Richard Montgomery is corroborated by the letters of Hon. John Caldwell Calhoun - South Carolina statesman, who wrote: "at Wytheville I remained two days to visit the ancient residence of our family on Reed's Creek......My grandmother on my father's side was a Montgomery (Catherine Montgomery Calhoun) and related, as I understand, to Genl. Richard Montgomery who fell in our Revolutionary War. There was another branch of the family in this state (SC) the head of which was Hugh Montgomery (this Hugh being a nephew of Catherine Montgomery Calhoun and son of her brother Capt. James Montgomery of Catawba Creek, Virginia). I recollect him when he was an old man in my boyhood. I heard my father say they were related". Anderson County, South Carolina Records - Wills: Book A, Section A, p. 134, "The immigrants were Patrick Calhoun and his wife, Catherine Montgomery (said to be a daughter of Hugh Montgomery of Scotland)", "Early Adventures On The Western Waters, Vol. 3, Part 2", by Mary B. Kegley. The book "Family Tree Book, Genealogical and Biographical; Listing Relatives Of General William Alexander Smith and of W. Thomas Smith, 1922, contains the following: "Col. Hugh Montgomery, a native of Ireland, closely related to Genl. Richard Montgomery who fell at the Battle of Quebec in 1775, married Lady Mary Moore of the nobility...................died in Salisbury, North Carolina on December 23, 1779......He was himself of goodly stock, a near relative of Genl. Richard Montgomery, who fell at the Battle of Quebec in 1775" (this Col. Hugh Montgomery being a nephew of Catherine Montgomery Calhoun and son of her brother Capt. James Montgomery of Catawba Creek, Virginia). The publication "New York Genealogical And Biographical Society Record" Vol. 2, No. 3, dated July 1871 contains an excellent account of the ancestry of Genl. Richard Montgomery directly back to Hugh Montgomery (b.1452) of Hessilhead, Scotland, also designed of Bargraw (Balgray) which was a part of the Hessilhead estate. This Hugh was a son of Alexander Montgomerie of Eglinton and Ardrossan, who was created Lord Montgomerie January 31, 1448-49. Unfortunatly this record doesn't contain enough information to complete the connection with the line of Catherine Montgomery Calhoun, wife of James Patrick Calhoun of Ireland. Submitted by P.R. Priest, 4-1-2017.


Born in Convoy House Catherine Stuart (Montgomery)

The Montgomery family of Convoy is descended from Alexander Montgomery, Prebendary of Doe, who died about 1658. He was brought over from Scotland by his kinsman, George Montgomery, who became the first Protestant Bishop of Raphoe in 1604. Alexander Montgomery of Croaghan, near Lifford, bought the Convoy estate from the Nesbitt family in 1719. Boyton House was first occupied in November 1807 by the family of Robert Montgomery of Brandrim who had inherited the estate from his cousin, Sandy Montgomery of Convoy. Sandy represented Donegal in Grattan's Parliament for thirty-two years. He spent part of his youth in America and was noted for his duelling. His brothers were John of Lisbon and Richard, a general in Washington’s army who fell at the siege of Quebec in 1775. Sandy was a friend of Lord Edward Fitzgerald and a secret supporter of the United Irishmen. He voted against the Act of Union in 1800. Boyton House used to contain the letter which Washington wrote to the family on Richard’s death and receipts for meat bought by thehundred-weight in Raphoe by the Montgomery family for free distribution in Convoy during the Famine. The house passed through marriage to the Boyton family in the nineteenth century.

Source: Wikipedia Added by Janet Milburn 9/1/19

view all 18

Catherine Calhoun's Timeline

Near Convoy House, County Donegal, Ireland
Antrim, Northern Ireland
Londonderry, Northern Ireland
Londonderry, County Derry, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
Augusta, Virginia, USA
Donegal, Ireland
Corkagh, Barony Raphoe, Donegal, Ireland
January 9, 1720
Donegal, County Donegal, Ireland