Immediate Family
half sister
About Engelberge de Provence
Engelberge de Provence
- daughter of King Boson of Provence & his second wife Ermengardis d'Italia
- betrothed to Carloman King of the West Franks
- married to Guillaume I "le Pieux" Duc d'Aquitaine
- Boso
- probable daughter who married Rotbald I d'Agel
According to the FMG Medieval Lands database:
ENGELBERGA ([877]-after Jan 917).
- Her origin is deduced from her donation to Cluny with her husband dated Jan 917, in which her brother "Ludovico" is named[34].
- The Annales Bertiniani record the betrothal in 878 of "filiam Bosonis" and "Karlomanno filio suo [=Hlodowici rex]"[35].
- It is assumed that this daughter was Engelberga, who was an infant at the time, but no proof has been found which confirms that this is the case.
- "Bosonis" could refer either to the future King Boson or to Count Boson, husband of the adulterous Engiltrudis (see below).
- While Boson of Provence had refused to swear allegiance to Louis II "le Bègue" King of the West Franks ("Hlodowici rex") on the latter's accession, it is not known whether he was still in rebellion the following year.
- Assuming that some reconciliation had taken place, a marriage alliance between the two parties would have been a likely possibility.
- The other Count Boson was presumably of less political importance and, in addition, his problems with his adulterous wife may have rendered his daughters unmarriageable at the time.
- If she was the daughter of the future King Boson, it is probable that she was the child of his first marriage, although it is not impossible that she was newly born at the time of the betrothal given the age of her proposed husband.
- Engelberga is named as co-founder with her husband of the monastery of Cluny in a charter dated 11 Sep 910[36].
- She became a nun at San Sisto, Piacenza.
Betrothed (11 Sep 878) to CARLOMAN, son of LOUIS II "le Bègue" King of the Franks & his first wife Ansgardis --- (867-killed accidentally Bézu-la-Forêt, near Andelys, Eure 6 Dec 884, bur église de l'abbaye royale de Saint-Denis). He succeeded his brother in 882 as CARLOMAN King of the West Franks.
m (before 898[37]%29 GUILLAUME I "le Pieux" Duke of Aquitaine, son of BERNARD "Plantevelue" Comte d'Auvergne & his wife Ermengarde [d'Auvergne] (-6 Jul 918, bur Abbaye de Brioude, Haute-Loire).
FMG on Aquitaine reports:
GUILLAUME ([860/65]-6 Jul 918, bur Abbaye de Brioude, Haute-Loire).
- "Karolus…imperator Augustus" confirms that "Willelmo comite" replaced "patris sui Bernardi comitis" after the latter was killed, by charter dated 16 Aug 886[141].
- His birth date is estimated on the assumption that he was a young adult at the time.
- He is named as brother of "Hava abbatissa" in the latter's charter dated Nov 893[142].
- "Acfred dux Aquitanorum" donated property "pro anima…et avunculis meis Wilelmo et Guarino…" to Cluny by charter dated 2 Oct 927[143].
- He succeeded his father in 886 as Marquis of Gothia, Comte d'Auvergne, de Berry, de Mâcon, de Limousin, et de Lyon.
- The Chronicle of Saint-Maxence names "Ramnulfus comes…Pictavensis" as "consanguineus…Willelmi…comitis Arvernorum"[144], although the precise relationship has not been traced.
- Comte de Bourges 892.
- Comte de Macon, abbé laic de Brioude 893.
- He was recorded as dux shortly after the accession of Charles III "le Simple" King of the West Franks in 893, and as dux Aquitanorum for the first time in 909[145], later known as GUILLAUME I "le Pieux" Duke of Aquitaine.
- He founded the monastery of Cluny jointly with his wife by charter dated 11 Sep 910[146].
- "Princeps et marchio Willelmus" donated property "in patria Arvernica, in comitatu Brivatense…in villa Carisiaceco" to the church of Holy Trinity "pro…animæ patris mei Bernardi et matris meæ Ermengardis…et sororis meæ Adalendis et filorum eius" by charter dated Nov 916, signed by "Ingelbergæ, Wilhelmi, Acfredi, Bosoni…"[147].
m (before 898[148]%29 ENGELBERGA, daughter of BOSON King [of Provence] & his second wife Ermengardis [Carolingian] ([877]-after Jan 917).
- Engelberga is named as co-founder with her husband of the monastery of Cluny in a charter dated 11 Sep 910[149].
- Her origin is deduced from her donation to Cluny with her husband dated Jan 917, in which her brother "Ludovico" is named[150].
- She died as a nun at San Sisto, Piacenza.
Duke Guillaume I & his wife had [two] children: a) BOSO (-[25 Dec 920/Jun 926]). "Boso filius eius" is named, immediately after "Wilelmi senioris mei", in two donation for their souls made by "Gauzfredus comes" dated 8 Apr 936 and Jun 936[151]. b) [daughter. This is a speculative connection based only on onomastics[152]. m ROTBALD [I] d'Agel [Provence], son of --- (-[949]).]
2. ENGELBERGA ([877]-919). Her parentage and marriage are deduced from her donation to Cluny with her husband dated Jan 917, in which her brother "Ludovico" is named[28]. The Annales Bertiniani record the betrothal in 878 of "filiam Bosonis" and "Karlomanno filio suo [=Hlodowici rex]"[29]. It is assumed that this daughter was Engelberga, who must have been an infant at the time, but no proof has been found which confirms that this is correct. "Bosonis" could refer either to the future King Boson or to Count Boson, husband of the adulterous Engiltrudis (see below). While Boson of Provence had refused to swear allegiance to Louis II "le Bègue" King of the West Franks ("Hlodowici rex") on the latter's accession, it is not known whether he was still in rebellion the following year. Assuming that some reconciliation had taken place, a marriage alliance between the two parties would have been a likely possibility. The other Count Boson was presumably of less political importance and, in addition, his problems with his adulterous wife may have rendered his daughters unmarriageable at the time. The Annales Bertiniani indicate that Engelberga was born from her father´s [second] marriage when they record that "Richardus frater Bosonis" took “uxorem Bosonis et filiam eius” back to “comitatum suum Augustudensem” in 882 after the capture of Vienne by the forces of King Carloman[30]. Engelberga is named as co-founder with her husband of the monastery of Cluny in a charter dated 11 Sep 910[31]. The Annales Masciacenses record in 919 the deaths of “Guilelmus famosus dux Aquitanorum...coniunx eius Ingelberga”[32]. She died as a nun at San Sisto, Piacenza.
[Betrothed (11 Sep 878) to CARLOMAN, son of LOUIS II "le Bègue" King of the Franks & his first wife Ansgardis --- (867-killed accidentally Bézu-la-Forêt, near Andelys, Eure 6 Dec 884, bur église de l'abbaye royale de Saint-Denis). He succeeded his brother in 882 as CARLOMAN King of the West Franks.]
m (before 898[33]%29 GUILLAUME I "le Pieux" Duke of Aquitaine, son of BERNARD "Plantevelue" Comte d'Auvergne & his wife Ermengarde [d'Auvergne] (-6 Jul 918, bur Abbaye de Brioude, Haute-Loire).
Engelberge de Provence's Timeline
877 |
Autun, Saône-et-Loire, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, France
898 |
900 |
910 |
Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, Midi-Pyrenees, France
917 |
January 917
Age 40
Province of Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna, Italy